Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Bakeries Sell Low Fat Birthday Cakes

Anarchism Class struggle Or the National Agreement? Prolegomena

Dolphin Lévano

is undeniable economic and social antagonism between capitalists and workers, increasingly accentuated antagonism since they are two diametrically opposed forces in their operation, their purposes, their development and aspirations.

capitalists, to form a ruling caste, are necessarily conservative, since it would otherwise perpetuate their social system that favors them with honors, riches and power. The workers, by contrast, is a subjugated class that suffers all manner of atrocities. Because it is inevitably subject to work, languishing in servitude and no freedom of action, independence, social dignity, since poverty living means more abaldonante slavery.

Being a conservative capitalism, its components are social parasites that suck, who extort money and humiliate workers. Capitalists used to the comforts, luxury, the waste and the enjoyment of all pleasures, committed the heinous crime of social deprivation, hoarding the product of the work of others and accumulating wealth to ensure his own happiness and the happiness of their descendants . Naturally, this theft and greed of capitalism are based first on the long-standing [old, rooted] immorality transmitted by the first men to land encroached and wrought products for men, weak and ignorant, immoral now enshrined in law the right of private property, and second, by brutal force available to the State support the powerful fruit-theft and greed sow hardship and distress suffered by the great proletarian family, despite much work during his life, barely enough to earn enough salary that condemns him to live miserably. Contrast outrageous that fills us with anger!.

Placed face to face is, therefore, two markedly different classes, resulting from antagonism to speak up: on one side the idling and swim in opulence with its lavish and comfortable life, the other, those who have nothing and lack even the necessary food to nourish your body and faint, however, wear their energies roughly his entire life working .

blatant contradiction! Frightening reality, which categorically denies [the alleged] basic principles of modern democracy: liberty, equality, fraternity!.

no doubt that capitalism, after the French Revolution once destroyed feudalism and the "aristocracy of blood," has contributed to the progress of industries and the development of civilization, causing the commercial approach of all countries. But, at the expense of many tears and hunger, how much blood, how many lives sacrificed for the good of the proletariat triumph of the pluto-autocracy of all the nations. However, economists and advocates of the bourgeois hacks, and even some scientists who theorize from their armchairs to dissect without investigating this social structure to apply a righteous criticism, proclaiming that the advancement of science and upgrading of machinery and as the progress of chemistry and the use of force or natural agents produce greater social welfare, because they argue that increased production in less amount of time and human energy corresponds to greater wealth and thus less poverty.

Garrafal imposture may have overtones of true minds rudimentary or routine, but not to the facts we see, we touch, we feel, not to the terrible and shameful injustices and social contrasts of this bourgeois order, where progress of the arts, industries and even science is for the benefit of the affluent and to the detriment moral and physical development of workers.

Since, therefore, demonstrably true and indisputable the antagonism between capitalist and working classes, still another real fact that capitalists tend to retain their privileges and perpetuate the current living conditions , being yet another historical fact that workers, we can say rogue, servants, employees of their exploiters, tend to be freed from this slavery, we do not understand that reasoning is based on certain elements labeled as "social revolutionaries" to preach the " harmony "between capital and labor, between masters and slaves, between which strips and stripped.

No!, There can be no such harmony: the partnership or collaboration with those who govern and those who exploit in order to "improve the sad condition of the dispossessed" can only based on an erroneous concept of class struggle and the historic mission of organized labor unions.

not alleged that workers here are not organized yet, much less prepared to put into practice a separate union tendency other oppressive economic and political classes, not alleged to do something while the workers, over time, understand their mission eminently revolutionary and libertarian, not alleged that the workers are still unable to receive and understand the generous libertarian ideas. Sophisms, nothing but sophistry or debase the legitimate means workers are all these allegations!.

Just to be in his early labor organization, being in union and management trends anarchist ideas should not start giving wrong or false labor movement or orientation sow confusion or retarding retrograde ideas when teaching history, with clarity, with categorical statements with incontrovertible postulates shows us the true path that we must continue to conquer what we all need: political freedom, economic independence, the intellectual and moral improvement.

finished saying insipid between extreme wealth and laziness of the above and extreme misery and servitude below the antagonisms are irreconcilable, the former are dominant, the latter are slaves today, released tomorrow, the former represents a force of oppression, subjection, and the latter are a force for revolutionary advance of the arrival libertarian. Therefore, they are antithetical forces.

Written: 1923. First published: in September 1923.

digital version: La Protesta, No. 2, first quarter 2004:


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