Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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[International] Silent information regarding Mapuche hunger strike!

Comprehensive coverage Cuban strikers and the plight of the miners compared with the low coverage of the 32 villagers who are without food for 40 days says President (i) of the order.

El Colegio de Periodistas de Chile sentenced this morning the silence information that has been in the national media, about the hunger strike by 32 inmates of communities Mapuche held for more than a month in various prisons of the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Regions.

In this regard, President (i) of the guild, Rodrigo Miranda, said that in his opinion, such a situation should be analyzed by the Federation of Media, self-regulatory body of media companies, noting that also College asked its National Ethics Tribunal (Trina) a statement on the matter.

"We find it troubling, to say the least, that this issue only appears in the agenda of the media and strongly condemn this happen," said the leader, He recalled that the strikers began their protest on 12 July, with little coverage of their demands and the reasons that led to this decision.
said that while journalists can influence and suggest the themes of their news, they are not ultimately responsible for defining the standard news, because that lies at the headquarters and, ultimately, the owners and drivers of media.

"We learned a number of ways what happened in Cuba, with shipments continuing the voyage to Spain of refugees and the arrival of one of them to Chile, and we are today with extensive coverage on what happens with 33 compatriots buried in a mine in Copiapo, with broadcasts almost 24 hours. But the 32 strikers Mapuche, of which 8 are serious, little or nothing was known, except on rare occasions and honorable, "exemplified the President (i) the Association of Journalists.

(For Leyla Noriega Zegarra)

Extracted from: The Alternativa.ORG


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