Monday, August 23, 2010

Licensing To Become A Tow Truck Driver In Ontario

23 AUGUST! 1927 - 2010

's been 83 years this August 23, 1927 (Massachusetts), in which they were killed (accused and convicted , by officers, armed robbery and murder charges not committed) in the electric chair: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, to seek better living conditions as proletarians, to seek the transformation of society and for being anarchists.

is a date that must remain in our memory not to be forgotten (and many who have to remain remembered, remembering and writing), because it represents the war between two irreconcilable classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat . The first that seeks to perpetuate the exploitation of man by man (capitalism), using all means and ways to maintain, and seeking second-class emancipation, termination and abolition of the state, a better society and its transformation (Communism / Acracia). War that remains today and is becoming fiercer.

brutally lashes The bourgeoisie, as it has done, every movement, group, person [...] that claim and fight against this system of domination and exploitation, condemning all acts of protest and resistance as "terrorist ". Worldwide today and is implemented intensifies repression (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, USA, Germany, France and many other places) and give him standing to laws and decrees endorsed by the State, as an instrument of the ruling class perpetuates the domination and exploitation.

Let us not miss these acts with impunity. The bourgeoisie and its capitalist system (which also has no boundaries), generators of misery, the accumulation of wealth in few hands and holding, despite the crisis that comes through, continues to suppress. Social protest is criminalized, they stop people, imprisons and kills them.

's get organized and begin to create conditions for the transformation of society. Generate responses and alternative proposals to this operating system. We have a past history of struggle and resistance that must be considered. Our (as) partner (s) Fallen (as) did not die in vain, they left a path to follow, which we must continue, since there is also resistance, therefore, continue resisting to the achievement of a world and tomorrow best: COMMUNISM / Acracia.


Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, THEIR NAMES stay with us!



23 - 2008 to 2010


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