Friday, August 6, 2010

Can Female Babysitters Bathe Men


"we who have built the palaces and cities in Spain, America and worldwide. We, the workers, we can build new palaces and cities to replace those destroyed [...]. No fear of the ruins [...]. The bourgeoisie can make their world shatters before leaving the stage of history. But we took a new world inside us and the world grows every moment ... "(1).

The funeral procession left the building of the National Labour Confederation (CNT). The coffin walked the street, covered with red and black, had the initials of the CNT and FAI. Around three hundred thousand people, with his fist raised, gave him a last farewell to friend, colleague and comrade, "Buenaventura Durruti, who died on November 20, 1936.

Buenaventura Durruti, was born in Leon on July 14, 1896. Child "was, as regards, Rosa Durruti, her sister a good student. Smart, a little mischievous, but good character. Mechanical profession " (2), provided the service in its class, the proletariat.

met exile, suffered persecution and imprisonment for his political and revolutionary activity, but failed to placate him or break him. Was an active militant of the CNT and the FAI, in constant struggle and ready for action. Opposing fascism and all forms of dictatorship, the workers' revolution and the destruction of the state, anarchy.

plays an important role against the fascist uprising and military uprising (3), which was launched near the town doggedly struggle, among them were: Ascaso, Jover, García Oliver, among many other fighters (4) -, stopping the partisan movement in Barcelona. Days after establishing the Committee of Antifascist Militias (5).

For Durruti, war and revolution were intimately linked, for that reason are inseparable. "We make war and revolution at the same time ... this is what the circumstances require. Revolutionary measures that affect people not only apply to the rear, ... are valid on the first line (6). Thus, they passed through the anarchists collectivized land is occupied factories, workshops [...], proclaimed the free commune. He was always ready to fight and show their humanity and solidarity by their classmates, as he always showed in his practice. So that, along with a contingent of about a thousand militiamen, went to Madrid that he was in danger. In Madrid, a few days of arriving in the city and join the fight, he was hit by a bullet that lodged in the chest at heart level (19 November), where the early morning of 20 November 1936, lost his life after a long agony (7).

is so, than a year of his death, we pay tribute, not lamenting its demise, but, remembering him as a person and revolutionary who was not only in words but also of acting, as his memory lasts and will last forever, they gave everything, even his life for the sake of emancipation of the proletariat, the social revolution, anarchy (Acracia / communism).

when a revolutionary DIE, NEVER DIE!

Buenaventura Durruti, EXAMPLE WITH YOU WIN!




(1) Enzensberger, Hans Magnus (1975). "The short summer of anarchy. Durruti's life and death. " Grijalbo, Mexico City, p. 24.

(2) Interview by Pierre Van countries ("Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, October 28, 1936), in: Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, oc, p. 193.

(3) Started on July 17, 1936 in Melilla (Morocco), which then spread throughout Spain on 18 July of that year. See Thomas, Hugh (1976). "The English Civil War." Grijalbo, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bT. I, p. 239-256.

(4) On July 20, Francisco Ascaso died after the assault on the headquarters of the shipyards. See: Thomas, Hugh, oc, p. 274.

(5) For the establishment of the Anti-Fascist Militias Committee, review: Thomas, Hugh, oc, p. 275-276.

(6) Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, oc, p. 268.

(7) For more details and further information, review the aforementioned text Enzensberger, Hans Magnus and the Llarch, Joan (1976). "Durruti's death." Plaza y Janes, Barcelona.



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