Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Connect Vip222k

September 29 general strike, Yes, But Why? Against whom?

- CNT-Villaverde knew that l @ s trabajadorxs not going to go away with it, however much Zapatero insisted that the working class would suffer no consequences. Now (finally, albeit belatedly) the majority unions decide to mobilize and convene a general
strike for 29 September. It seems that the new reform work has been the trigger for this decision. CNT

agree on a general

strike, but not now, nor against the labor reform. We should have been done long ago and probably would not now be regretting a new labor reform, which like its predecessors, has only benefited the employer and have hurt the working class. With all the labor reforms that we, Spain remains one of the most precarious state in the West and greater unemployment.

Nosotr @ s do we promote the general

strike, but against all those who have spoken for us to meet the current situation.

general strike against economic and financial liberalism. Banking, insurance, markets and capitalism in general have been the first cause of the crisis. Their greed without end, has made them what they had bet. Now the working class must make up their losses through public money to continue betting and "playing" the same thing.

general strike against the Government . We believe the Government co-author of all the damage we are suffering the working class. Deliver millions of euros of money de tod @ s, to restore the losses suffered by our exploiters, while we stayed @ s unemployment, economic cutbacks and loss of rights.

- general strike against the political class . The opposition parties are also guilty. In the desire to come to power, act torpedoing any effort to improve the situation. Meanwhile, l @ s trabajadorxs espectadorxs have to be their "war stories" for power, endure the hardships of the crisis.

- general strike against the major trade unions . For the failure and 'failure. Although in truth, the CNT does not catches us by surprise. Part of this inefficiency is that they can not bite the hand that feeds them. € 200,000,000 is called the food they receive these unions by the government. Another cause of his inaction is in the existing political affinity with the ruling party. We are against that l @ s trabajadorxs union delegate to professionals because it leads the trade union situation living Spain, but as much @ s decide to delegate to them, at least respond and defend the interests of their members @ s. In the CNT

no union professionals. Tod @ s are trabajadorxs and members at the same time.

- that's why we need CNT more than ever, to call a strike

general, perform demonstrations and protest actions necessary to curb the further cuts ahead. We are also aware that we are experiencing a global crisis where you need to apply global solutions to all states. L @ \u200b\u200bs trabajadorxs are labor anywhere in the world, and the capital takes advantage of our disunity. A similar response to the Greek people, applied globally, would curb many abuses. - GENERAL STRIKE AGAINST CAPITAL, CLASS POLITICS AND AGAINST TRADE UNIONS AGAINST OFFICIALS.

Trade Union Secretariat.


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