Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Body Style Change Tahoe



mid-1930, in Spain felt the impact of global crisis. The crisis deepened in the agricultural, industrial and monetary. The situation worsened considerably the working masses. Throwing the struggle of the proletariat in those years was scattered and divided, leading to the strengthening of the bourgeoisie rushed together and act in common form.

Thus the bourgeois republican movement after the famous Pact of San Sebastián created the "Revolutionary Committee" to address the monarchists sectors also organized and strengthened. The PSOE showed support for the movement, where its main leaders became part of this committee, giving movement to the hegemony of sectors and bourgeois party.

those years began to intensify strikes, calling him several times to the general strike. To appease the movement were called to fight elections. The elections of April 12, 1931 gave the victory to the Republicans, thus producing the transition from Monarchy to Republic. Day 13 was proclaimed the Second Republic under the leadership of "Revolutionary Committee." But the monarchy had not collapsed by the vote, but the fighting in the strike action of the proletariat, the peasants, of the student revolts of the general crisis of capitalism, etc.

The direction of the bourgeois republicans and the PSOE was incapable of solving the problems of the time, betraying the hopes of the working masses, giving the possibility of reactionary forces to strengthen their position.

The strikes began to intensify, but not all were won by the intrusion of the leaders of the PSOE and the UGT, which is dedicated to breaking and sabotage actions workers. The anarchists threw in some regions direct the fight would soon begin announcing that the "Social Revolution." One of the first uprising was in January 1932, but did not have more roots in the working masses. In 1933 there was another uprising, the most remembered here are the events of "Casas Viejas, where several workers were killed by the repressive forces. But the reactionary forces are not left behind, the 10 August 1932 came the military coup of San Jurjo, attempt by the landlord-financial oligarchy restore the old regime, being crushed by the proletarian mass. This was a clear indication of the status of War unleash the latent civil in 1936.

Since the beginning of the Second Republic, the reactionary sector saw a threat to their existence begins to organize. Thus, on the one hand we have the fascists, established in October 1931 (in Madrid) the Boards of the National Syndicalist Offensive (JONS) and in October 1933 he founded the English Falange (FE), also in Madrid. That after attempts to unite the fascism in a fail to join together in February 1934, calling English Falange de las JONS, with the head of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Julio Ruiz de Alda and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos. His main method was the imposition by the terror of guns. Its main victims were the workers' sector. On the other hand we had the Monarchists, head Antonio Goicoechea, who also leaned toward dictatorial and fascist solutions.

Another group was composed of the Catholic right, grouped in the Popular Action, whose leader was José María Gil Robles, representing large landowners and the Jesuits. By March 1933, officially founded the English Confederation of Autonomous Rights (CEDA), to fight against anti-Christian social system and the class struggle after social orientations of Leo XIII and Pius XI, becoming clearly counterrevolutionary organization.

The divergence of these were essentially tactical. The CEDA was directed to implement fascism in Spain through legal means. The Falange and monarchists were pronounced by the coup-backed military force in order to crush and destroy all opposition.

In November 1933 the right won the parliamentary elections (with the head CEDA), which led to the maintenance of repression. Thus, in October 1934 broke a series of armed uprisings in Madrid, Catalonia, Euskadi, Asturias lion. The Government claims the state of war and begins to quell the uprisings, except in Asturias, that following the slogan: "Join proletarian brothers, both anarchists (militants of the CNT-FAI) and Marxists (militants of the PCE and PSOE), offered a heroic resistance of two weeks of hard combat. Where cemeteries and prisons filled with revolutionaries. General Franco was the ultimate responsibility for the killing.

CEDA In 1935 he returned to Government. Gil Robles was in charge of the Ministry of War, and under his influence led to the appointment of Franco as Chief of General Staff. But despite having been the fascist direction in government, failed to consolidate, as a result of strong pressure from the working masses. Under this pressure is called new elections for February 1936.
As a prelude to the 1936 elections, the Popular Front is formed, composed of the PCE, PSOE, the Republican Left, Republican Union and other organizations with less influence, achieving, in February, a victory (268 members) on right and center (205 members). After this event the masses took to the streets as a form of prevention against the possible threat of fascism. In April 1936 he merged the Socialist Youth and the Communist Youth in a single organization, and thus the Socialist Youth unified. Months later, on July 23 merge the Communist Party of Catalonia, the Catalan section of the PSOE, the Socialist Union and the Proletarian Party, giving birth to the Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC).

fascist forces, after the February elections, prepared for the uprising. San Jurjo, Franco, Mola and Goded, which still retained significant control, would be leading the uprising. To this end, they agreed with the German and Italian Fascists to receive the necessary support. Before the uprising, began to intensify fascist provocations (bombings and murders), as a prelude what would be civil war that would spread throughout Spain. The death of Calvo Sotelo monarchist leader (July 13), would be the pretext for the start of the fascist uprising on 17 March.

After the tension and conflict that existed on 17 July the army revolts in Melilla (Morocco), spread throughout Spain on the 18th. The response was immediate proletarian, 17 to late at night the CNT Juan Yagüe, secretary of the Maritime Transport Union, organized the assault ships in the harbor, getting about 150 rifles, which joined different achievements armories on day 18.

Sunrise on 19 with the crowds asking for weapons, but had not because the Government feared most workers revolution that the military uprising. Despite the lack of armament, the masses are released to the fight, both in Madrid and Barcelona and other parts of the working class, peasants, the vast majority of the petty bourgeoisie, intellectuals and sections of the middle bourgeoisie, relying on their own strength and abort manage to curb the rise in several regions.

prisoners were released from prison. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200braided several quarters, one was that of St. Andrew, many perished in it, where they got hold of some thirty thousand rifles that was there, obtaining a weapon of the proletariat. Given this situation Goded surrender, days after suffocation in other military outposts. The situation was clearly revolutionary and was under the control of militants.

nonintervention policy (proposed by the British government and supported by the French government at the head Leon Blum) imposed the ban not to sell arms and provide arms to either side, surrounded and sought asylum in Spain, which not only had to deal with the army and the English fascists, but also to the German fascists, Italian and Portuguese. The United States also contributed to this isolation with its policy of neutrality and be a spectator.

In Catalonia, on 21, establishing the Central Committee of Antifascist Militias (CCMA), as a new form of administrative organization outside the state, which was not only composed of members of the CNT and FAI, but also by other forces of the Popular Front (three of Esquerra, one of the rabasaires, a Catalan Action, one of PSUC, a representative of the POUM, two of the FAI, three of the CNT and the UGT three .) This type of organization spread throughout the Revolutionary Spain. Thus, in the places where they beat the fascists, radical revolutionary measures were implemented, thus creating the People's Committees, in support of armed militias. Showing that the working classes and weapons, were the only ones who could cope with the rising and start the revolution.

The revolution in Spain had begun, born in response to rising fascist army and from the need of the proletarian masses for their emancipation, began to be established in various fields. On the problem of the Church, in the areas controlled by militiamen, with the exception of the Basque Country, were closed for worship and used as garages, shelters, etc.., Besides that many had been burned, as the best church that lights was burning. Convents were also closed, being used for the same purpose. Religious schools were closed and committees and trade unions took over the premises and teaching, based on the principles of labor solidarity and removal of privileges. In Barcelona the number of children enrolled in schools increased by 10% between July and October of that year.

On the issue of ownership, workers seized factories and farmers fields, giving the beginning of collectivization, in the field and in the industry. Also available was the common transport (trains, buses, metros, etc.), The gas will power, telephone, media, entertainment, hotels, restaurants, administered every one of the fields by the committees . It promoted the works and buildings. The salariaros were fair. Those who would not fight in front stayed in the rear to hold and do what is necessary for the maintenance of the revolution. Thus establishing a new type of mentality, moral, work, organization [...]. The industrial regions were cut from their suppliers of raw materials, generating some factories will stop, cities began to cut-off. It created the Committee of Supply, which began shipping the products needed, thus achieving the supply of militants in the front and rear.

But with the advance of fascist forces, the revolutionary gains were threatened, because everything had to defend body, because the revolution was just beginning. That although the gains were great forcefulness had not expected, since the revolution had to be matured to become the day to day, with advances and setbacks, and the proletariat to achieve their emancipation and to reach the completion and implementation of Communism (Anarchy).

In late August, the fascist forces advanced, the CNT had received the proposal for collaboration with the Government of Giral. But he resigned on September 4 and was succeeded by Largo Caballero, known as the "English Lenin." The CNT decided to support the republic. In Catalonia, was the new government of the Generalitat, which was attended by three members of the CTN-FAI: Joan Porqueras in the Ministry of Economy, Garcia Birla Health and Welfare and Josep Domenech Abastos. Thus, on September 27 the decision to suppress the functioning of the Central Committee of Antifascist Militias, being attached to the War Department.

In September the Moscow government took the position to support the Republican government, sending its officers, weapons, planes, etc. It was this aid that saved the crushing Madrid fascist. But is aid was not free, as conditioned largely government policy and the Popular Front parties. That given the chance, the best would prove to be supplied and armed militants of the PCE, which rapidly grew in numbers and influence.

October 24 Generalitat ordered the militarization of the militias. Durruti Column decided not to admit it, as this did not improve the conditions of the fight, much less the lack of weapons. In November, the main difficulty making Zaragoza was that there were no weapons appropriate provisioning. Durruti resorted to all means, but was denied. He called upon all organizations to stop the bickering and give everything for the revolution. Emphasizing that the fight is not only front but also in the rear, with that which is opposed to the revolutionary gains, and breaking with the decree of the militarization makes a call to join him on the front and discipline.

anarchist organization The Friends of Durruti (consisting of Durruti Column militants opposed to the militarization, and anarchists critical of the entrance of the CNT and the FAI in the republican government of Catalonia) was founded in March 1937 to form a revolutionary junta to end the abandonment of revolutionary principles and cooperation with the capitalist state. Proposing the replacement of bourgeois government by a revolutionary junta, along with the slogans. "All power to the working class" and "all the economic power to the unions."

May 3, there is repression against activists of the CNT. Three guards with assault trucks (directed by Rodriguez Salas, a member of the UGT and puppet of Moscow), heavily armed force taken by the headquarters of the Telefónica, which had been seized since July 19 by the CNT. Representing a struggle between the government and the revolutionary masses to defend the gains made by the CNT. These events triggered a stubborn struggle between bourgeois republican forces and some Marxists (endorsed by the PCE and PSOE) on one side and the CNT, the FAI and the POUM on the other side. Initiating the counter-attack the foundations of the CNT, FAI, and other groups and individuals revolutionary. Negrin lead after the power (which sent the stock of gold to Moscow), and that after the influence of PC (Moscow puppets) would continue with the policy of repression, imprisonment and murder.

One of the first victims that fell was the POUM, its leader Andrés Nin was murdered and the other put in prison. Then the FAI would be declared illegal, removing it from the popular courts. Then the government banned criticism of the USSR. Dissolve councils defending Aragon, where they attack PC militants various people's committees. Dissolve the communities are deleted most of conquests. Is deleted after the publication of Solidaridad Obrera by violence, ban meetings, etc. Being condemned the revolution and gradually it concluded.

By January 1938 he dissolved the last remnants of the Revolution. Returns to the return of property to the landowners and the collectives are gradually canceled. The revolution is not neutered by the fascists, but by what Republicans and Marxists, who acted as counter-revolutionary agents.

fascist forces begin to gain ground and places are falling gradually taken by the proletarian mass. The defeat was inevitable. Gradually falling in major cities. Russia fails to support Spain because he no longer met their interests, leaving Spain at the mercy of fascism, which since March of 1939, Franco took possession of all Spain, announced an offensive on April 26, but and there was no organized force that could offer resistance. Where it was not a fighter, but an occupation of abandoned positions. And on May 28, Franco and his troops triumphantly entered fascists Madrid. And 20 marched victoriously.


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