Sunday, August 8, 2010

Banks That Do Their Own Underwriting


_ Evviva l'Anarchia!.

were the last words heard in the morning of 1 February 1931, followed by eight shots that hit him in the chest. Already in the ground in a pool of blood, was shot in the head end. Had been executed Severino Di Giovanni (29 years) Iriburu dictatorship that after lightning trial (by a military court) sentenced him to the wall. The next day, shot fall in the same place Paul-young fighter anarchist Scarfó of 22 years, with fists faced death before his executioners, firing the same cry of Severino, but in Castilian: Viva Anarchy!.

Severino was born March 17, 1901 in Chieti, Italy. He served as a teacher until fascism forced him into exile. Coming to Argentina in 1923. In there, he worked as a printer and typesetter, newspaper editing the "ends" from August 1925.

participated in acts of solidarity by the arrest and murder of Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) *, making a series attacks against U.S. targets. Likewise, the expropriation conducted activities for funding.

Persecuted and looked everywhere, wrote (in various media), edited newspapers and magazines ("Anarchia"), while participating and intervening in various groups of control and strike agitation. So, too, began to publish the complete works of Elisée Reclus (French anarchist geographer and member of the First International).

In late January 1931, at the output of a printing press, was ambushed and chased by the police. He tried to escape through roofs and streets, creating a shooting that killed a girl and several injured **. He was wounded and trapped with Scarfó Paulino to be tried and sentenced to death. The two were brutally tortured before being shot *** but not betrayed any partner.

Evviva l'Anarchia! and Viva Anarchy!, his last words on that morning, true to their ideals until the last days. Men of ideas clear and direct action, solidarity and active militant comrades, never feared or to intimidate anyone. Convinced that they fought for new and more just society, without exploitation stateless and ****. Their names are already in the chronic revolutionary as well as many social activists who gave their lives in the course of history, for a better world.

Thus we honor, remember and keep alive and active in our memories, because the story, sooner or later, will prove us right. And along with them shouted again: VIVA LA ANARCHY!.


* Italian workers, who were tried, sentenced and executed in the electric chair on August 23, 1927 in Massachusetts, on charges they did not commit and being anarchists.

** The police fired more than a hundred bullets, Severino only five.

*** Les
testicles crushed and twisted them with tongs tongue, burned with cigarettes, among other abuses.

**** For further more information check the website: Http:// .


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