Sunday, August 8, 2010

Poptropica How To Open A Cheat Engine


early September 1901, at Buffalo (New York), is made Pan-American exhibition that brings together a diversity of exhibitors, including the president of the United States William Mc Kinley (1) he made a speech on foreign trade on September 5.

The next day, the evening of September 6, went to the Temple of Music greeting the person attending. Leon Czolgosz, is intended to meet the president. Arriving turn, holds out his left hand, receives two shots (2). Being held immediately exclaimed

"I have done my duty. The president was an enemy of the good workers. Traveled the country saying that the property reigned everywhere. Is a liar. I do not think we need leaders. Killing them is just. I'm an anarchist. "

William McKinley, after much agony and inability of doctors to extract one of the two bullets lodged in the body, died on 14 September.

But who was Leon Czolgosz, What motivated him to take such action?

Leon Czolgosz, was born in Detroit in 1873, the son of Polish immigrants. It was the fourth in a family of eight siblings. In 1891 the family moved to Cleveland. Starting to work in a factory, he begins to establish a relationship with revolutionary groups. In 1901, he has the chance to meet Emma Goldman at a conference held in the Franklin Liberal Club. During the break Czolgosz approaches Goldman asking him to recommend something to read, to which Goldman will gladly agreed, indicating a series of books to their concerns. Three months then meet again, having a brief conversation, since that day Emma Goldman started to Rochester.

Months later, he moved to Buffalo, taking a room in a hotel under the name of John Doe (on August 31, 1901). Days after the event unfolds on 6 September.

After this action, begins a relentless hunt for anarchists across the country. Anarchists must be exterminated! They should be thrown into the sea there is no place for vultures under our flag! many anarchists are arrested, pointing to Emma Goldman as instigator of the act, and brutally suppressed the anarchist movement.

days later Emma Goldman is released for lack of evidence. Try to organize a meeting to explain the attitude of the anarchists against Czolgosz, but police blocked their implementation. Given this fact, left his position at the Free Society:

"Leon Czolgosz and other men of his class, far from being depraved creatures of low instincts, they are really super-sensitive beings unable to resist great social pressures. This leads them to express themselves violently, even sacrificing their own lives, because they can not witness indolent misery and suffering of his neighbor. For such acts should blame those who are responsible for the injustices and inhumanity that dominates the world "

Leon Czolgosz, was brutally tortured. Brought to crawl with his head bandaged and swollen, was presented to the Supreme Court of New York, who ordered the death penalty.

was executed on October 29, 1901 in the electric chair. His last words before getting the download fulminant were: "No regrets. I killed the president because he was an enemy of the working class " (3).

His name has been forgotten over the years, little is spoken, he says and writes. So, than a year of his death (107 years of such event), commemorating their sacrifice and salute him, because the facts of history can not be forgotten, set aside or ignored. Emphasizing not the role of victim, if not of a revolutionary fighter who gave his life and gave everything for the largest ideal that can exist: Anarchism.

His name endures and will endure in people who are still struggling and still fighting for a more just, free and equal. For a new world and society. Communism (anarchy / Acracia).

when a revolutionary DIE, NEVER DIE!

Leon Czolgosz, YOUR NAME LIVES IN U.S.!





(1) Twenty-fifth President of the United States, a member of the Republican Party .

(2) He had a revolver in his right hand wrapped in a white handkerchief. The first shot went through the shoulder and the second stomach, staying in the back.

(3) This article is based on the text: "Remembering our fallen, reminding Leon Czolgosz, published on the website of Anarchist Collective" Words of War. " To further expand social information check: .




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