Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Often Can You Have A Brazilian Wax

principles, tactics and goals. No. 370

Due to a recent e-mail requesting information about our "group" we have decided to publish what are our principles, tactics and goals.

As we discussed in a previous blog entry, we identify 100% with the old or the latest FJLL FIXED step to copy the principles, tactics and purposes for which we link, which can be found on page The web of FIJA.

Against Property:

inhumane because it is an injustice that a person stop the wealth produced by other people or the land that belongs only to mankind, and is an attribute to society, as important as life is for the individual. Because it has its origin in a violent and criminal plundering of the strongest against the weakest, creating the odious presence of the parasites of society who have no social mission than to hire labor through the exploitation and misery of others. Because capitalism creates and sets the wage law, which condemns human beings to a permanent economic slavery and the vagaries of the unbalanced economy.

Against the Principle of Authority: For suppose this relaxation of human personality to bring some people to the will of others, awakening instincts that predispose them to cruelty and indifference to the pain of a fellow, and as the authority of the instrument used to subdue the violence of the individual to property interests.

Against the State: Because restrict the free development and normal development of activities ethical, philosophical and scientific peoples, and as the basic foundation that maintains the principle of authority and defend the property by the armed forces , police, judiciary and prison. Because it keeps the army and navy, whose mission is destructive inhuman to throw some people against others, destroying the feelings of sociability and solidarity of the human being to become a means of domination by the strong against the weak peoples.

Against Politics: Because understanding politics as played by les politiques activity within the state to gain privilege and power, this presupposes the annulment of the person, and that giving one's will to another stranger, undermine the collective interests is a false parliamentary majority. Politics is the means used by the existing system of domination (representative democracy in the service of the oligarchs and Capital) to legitimize the interests of property and laws in their efforts to support and defend the State.

Against Religion: Why violate freedom of thought, creating a moral hierarchy that predisposes to accept without complaint all tyranny and undermine social relations with terror and fanaticism, denier of reason and scientific progress.

Against other forms of power: all forms of prejudice against racial, sexual or any other conditions that prevent the free development and equal human beings. The structures which derive from the State and Capital created to better support System, involving the sacrifice of the individual and collective freedom in favor of a delegation to supposedly more qualified persons seeking to represent, such as reformist parties and trade unions. Against hierarchies of all kinds.


Freedom: Understood as a natural development, irrespective of all be born, acting in response to the dictates of their conscience and independent will to think, speak and act. It is, therefore, the denial of any form of moral authority and material submitted. This idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom has implied:

Equality: Of all living beings at all levels, so that relations should be based on free consent and enforceability of the agreements. For relationships to be free and fair there can be no private property because it maintains and is the source of all inequalities. Rearranging and reorganizing production, would eliminate the idle hands of this society. More collective ownership and making them available to farmers land and tools, economic relations would be equal because they seek to meet the needs of the community, not rich, as in the capitalist system that seeks, Above all, the economic benefit of poker join. The concept of equality is contrary to any notion of nation or homeland, borders are an invention of the States to safeguard their interests, create conflicts and inequalities between people absurd.

Solidarity and Mutual Support: As a way of life against competitiveness and exploitation of each other. Solidarity principle that sustains the social relations and means to resolve conflicts, respecting differences, individual freedom and collective good. Practicing mutual support and sincerity in all relationships. Fight social class divisions formed on the privilege of some people over others. We were opposed to the ideas of religions with their superstitions, ecological imbalances, intoxicating medicine and disregard the rest of the animals and people, being advocates of sexual freedom and against the domination of one sex over another. We are opposed to the hierarchical education systems and competitive defend Libertarian Education.

The ends do not justify the means, these can only be applied according to its principles. We understand our tactics and principles developed in all spheres of social life, a process which is Social Revolution. All social movements that have sought changes, have tried taking power, showing that whenever a savior, a party or a committee put to legislate, they inherit the same habits and problems. So Anarchism rejects power. No way to get games, does not endorse candidates, it is not armies or guerrillas in favor of any ruler. Opposes any parliamentary system, fascist or a Communist and does not collaborate with anyone. It is your only place the opposition to power. Anarchism seeks to weaken people more aware of its uselessness and instilling the idea that you can work outside it, for what he believes schools, unions, communes, communities and other groups that exist without state support. Anarchism is not integrated into the institutions, not legalized, not participating in councils, parliaments, committees and universities, showing their ideals to work organizing his own existence. Moreover, anarchists do not have leaders or bureaucrats, officials, or pay anyone to work for us. Nor do we receive grants. Therefore, we operate voluntarily. So our tactics are
Direct Action:

action is permanent without intermediaries. The person is confronted directly with their problems, taking control of their lives without interference, developing their capacity for self-defense, living consciously. We are against conformity, since it prevents direct action creating passivity and indifference. We do not use the channels used by the power, enact electoral active abstention because voting is an act of irresponsibility to leave it apart of filters and the decision on the fundamental problems of social life, and further legitimizes the principle of power. Our goal is not to conquer political power, but to destroy it, so do not collaborate with the state, and we believe that entering the system implies acceptance of its premises. Direct action does not necessarily imply violent action. In this way we defend ourselves from the means used the state and the privileged classes to prevent and neutralize our rebellion. Our aim is to achieve social equilibrium state joins, and to achieve this, we reject any imposed government, participate in any war generated by the capital and the state. We call for the dismantling of prisons, reformatories and asylums; defend the right of anyone to govern our lives and the occupation of spaces where we can implement our libertarian principles. Against the aggressions and humiliations to which we subjected the capital, support workers' struggles anarchosyndicalist hue. Propaganda by Deed:

Spread the anarchist ideal is our daily actions. It is practicing anarchist ethic relations in everyday life as possible, showing the rebellion and opposition to the system established by our behavior. We advocate an ongoing confrontation by attacking any person, institution or symbol abridging the freedom of individuals Culture: Culture anarchist Disseminate through writing, publishing and publicizing the art, literature, music, anarchists, and and promoting the libertarian, free radio stations, community centers ... Federation:

is the union ensuring equality voluntary self-determination. This will join forces and abolish privileges. We deny the countries and their borders and fight against all forms of imperialism and colonialism. The federation works in assemblies, without hierarchies, so that nobody can be above anybody. The different groups that form a federation are free to join or leave her. The way to make it unanimous agreement, there is no vote. Thus, abolishing the rule of the majority over the minority and vice versa. We are aware that the federation itself is not an anarchist. Only understood in a libertarian ideological framework becomes a tactic to extend the struggle not only to the mere performance of the group, as well as how to organize the relationship between the cells of a new society. Federalism is therefore a key aspect of social anarchism is the glue that binds the organization.

OUR PURPOSE Our purpose is that anarchist ideas have an impact on society in such a way as to recover the social conscience and consciousness of the working class, which we understand is based on understanding the situation of exploitation in which we are subject under the current system. This understanding of our situation of exploited and oppressed is complemented with mechanisms to apply to this situation go away and can strike a balance in the relations of individuals between them and the environment. Are these mechanisms anarchist principles and tactics. can therefore say that our aim is to achieve a society based on freedom, equality and solidarity between people. We call this libertarian communist society, which is the only model of social organization that allows a balance with nature and social development based on anarchist principles.


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