Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can You Ran With Impetigo

criminalization of protest SOCIAL AND STUDENT MOVEMENT

Throughout history, governments (monarchical, republican, democratic ...) have used a series of actions (legal or illegal) to maintain power and promote a minority at the expense of the people and popular sectors, which represents the majority. Using force and violence to quell the complaints, demands and struggles of the people, through the forces of (dis) order and repression.

Thus, the whole conquest, defense, claim [...] of rights has been achieved through a relentless struggle. Fight (of sorts) that has been maintained throughout history and remains today.


Worldwide has been experiencing an acute crisis, appreciating the impact on all levels in the country (as a country dependent on both economic, political, cultural ...). On that basis, the APRA government, following its tradition opportunistic, demagogic, is implementing a series of policies in favor of the ruling class (large domestic and foreign businesspeople-) and all the parasitic caste Cover-up and is entrenched in his government.

Under such policies, the people (nationally), has been organized, fighting and becoming aware. In response to popular organization, the APRA government (fascist), is showing its characteristic authoritarianism and disregard for the popular sector, implementing (from last year -2007 -) various legislative decrees, criminalization of social protest (which is already previous governments, which now makes it more formal and visible) against any person claiming, and it requires states to respect their rights.

These decrees allow
for example, that police and military can freely use their weapons against demonstrators, causing death and injury, and no answer for it, likewise provides that every person who walks (meets, express their dissatisfaction, supporting strikes ...) is considered an extortionist and can go to jail for up to 25 years (DL 982). Also, a person may be detained by the police without a warrant even though it is far from the scene or has passed for 24 (DL 989), extending the period of custody to be sentenced as quickly as possible (DL 983 ) and can be held incommunicado for 10 days, regardless of the crime he was accused (D. L. 988). *

Such measures have been carried out steadily appreciated in recent protests, strikes and demonstrations, where people have been brutally suppressed, causing also the deaths of many comrades. More acute contradictions and most notably, declaring a public war and open to people who claim, demand your rights, you want to be respected and was taken into account.


Before this situation, the universities are not regardless of what happens, they are not isolated in all these processes of struggle, or even more students, since it reflects well-crisis (micro level) in the university (and education in general). Appreciate, clearly, the consequences from a few years ago, where it has been implemented and applied throughout a policy of "gentrification and privatization of universities", for example, charges for entrance exams, by prospectus, payment of record admission, registration, insurance [...] and not to mention when you graduated, they charge you anything to get her diploma and professional qualification, among others away and thus marginalizing grassroots clubs the right to education, training and development as individuals. Likewise, corruption and embezzlement, cronyism and bad teachers authorities are wing agenda, anti-student measures and repressive at both the University and various faculties and the depoliticization of the student almost universal.

not forget that the student movement of a situation is ebb as a result of military intervention (1991) and administrative (1995), which weakened him and struck deep (but failed to destroy it, as many continued to fight and resist) produced the disappearance of students, little support to those affected, isolation of the struggles [...].

But this is not stated and implied the existence of people not aware of this situation and problems, showing their rejection and dissatisfaction with this situation. Clear example of this is the membership who have been doing many fellow students (both individual, group or organizational level) in the various control processes that have been happening, so mobilized, making plants and marching and fighting claims own University (budget, middle passage, better teaching conditions and environment, greater access to the University, against privatization and gentrification, conducting research and science ...), which are intimately linked with the struggle of our people (and reality) and that have great influence on students.


Today again the student movement is organizing, structuring, rebuilding their Student Center and Federated Centers and Unions in general, its shortcomings and errors but is still moving forward, taking part and joining in the various processes struggle, going back in a situation of flux and rise of the student movement, organization and generating awareness of the student.

It is therefore important to investigate and study our history, to learn to assimilate the past and so to analyze the historical process of the studies of reality and the current situation, with adequate capacity for analysis and critical in order to move forward and creating the conditions for a new university and transformation of society (reality).

also not forget to make some history, it was with the government aprafascista (now head back to the felon García - "the dog in the manger" or rather "the donkey in the manger" -) that began to infiltrate the police and miliary well in universities (1986 y1987), who was with them where they began to disappear and kill students (and most obviously and openly with the government of the day-Fuji-Montesinos, who continued). Also massacred and exterminated many partners as it was in the pediment and elsewhere. It also created the paramilitary command (Command death and destruction) "Rodrigo Franco", which made an infinite number of murders and attacks many companions. Also, do not forget that it was the clique aprafascista that guaranteed in the late 60's the law against the guerrillas (death penalty), always faithful to its tradition of contempt for the people and social activists.

* For further more information check the website APRODEH:



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