Saturday, August 28, 2010

Audit Plan Of Inventory



History of Labor Movement - Part II

starts with: Video ¨ labor movement in Peru and 8 hours ·


- Martyrs of Chicago.

- Anarchism

- Beginning of Mov. worker in peru and influences

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health, love and anti-capitalism

Red Wings Vs Carhartt Boots


Some people get too indoctrinated to understand the meaning of the word "freedom" .. the others simply do not have the courage to try to carry it out. anonymous @

Isbutalbital A Narcotic?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Connect Vip222k

September 29 general strike, Yes, But Why? Against whom?

- CNT-Villaverde knew that l @ s trabajadorxs not going to go away with it, however much Zapatero insisted that the working class would suffer no consequences. Now (finally, albeit belatedly) the majority unions decide to mobilize and convene a general
strike for 29 September. It seems that the new reform work has been the trigger for this decision. CNT

agree on a general

strike, but not now, nor against the labor reform. We should have been done long ago and probably would not now be regretting a new labor reform, which like its predecessors, has only benefited the employer and have hurt the working class. With all the labor reforms that we, Spain remains one of the most precarious state in the West and greater unemployment.

Nosotr @ s do we promote the general

strike, but against all those who have spoken for us to meet the current situation.

general strike against economic and financial liberalism. Banking, insurance, markets and capitalism in general have been the first cause of the crisis. Their greed without end, has made them what they had bet. Now the working class must make up their losses through public money to continue betting and "playing" the same thing.

general strike against the Government . We believe the Government co-author of all the damage we are suffering the working class. Deliver millions of euros of money de tod @ s, to restore the losses suffered by our exploiters, while we stayed @ s unemployment, economic cutbacks and loss of rights.

- general strike against the political class . The opposition parties are also guilty. In the desire to come to power, act torpedoing any effort to improve the situation. Meanwhile, l @ s trabajadorxs espectadorxs have to be their "war stories" for power, endure the hardships of the crisis.

- general strike against the major trade unions . For the failure and 'failure. Although in truth, the CNT does not catches us by surprise. Part of this inefficiency is that they can not bite the hand that feeds them. € 200,000,000 is called the food they receive these unions by the government. Another cause of his inaction is in the existing political affinity with the ruling party. We are against that l @ s trabajadorxs union delegate to professionals because it leads the trade union situation living Spain, but as much @ s decide to delegate to them, at least respond and defend the interests of their members @ s. In the CNT

no union professionals. Tod @ s are trabajadorxs and members at the same time.

- that's why we need CNT more than ever, to call a strike

general, perform demonstrations and protest actions necessary to curb the further cuts ahead. We are also aware that we are experiencing a global crisis where you need to apply global solutions to all states. L @ \u200b\u200bs trabajadorxs are labor anywhere in the world, and the capital takes advantage of our disunity. A similar response to the Greek people, applied globally, would curb many abuses. - GENERAL STRIKE AGAINST CAPITAL, CLASS POLITICS AND AGAINST TRADE UNIONS AGAINST OFFICIALS.

Trade Union Secretariat.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Changing Mtu Settings On Trendnet Tw100 S4w1ca

[International] Silent information regarding Mapuche hunger strike!

Comprehensive coverage Cuban strikers and the plight of the miners compared with the low coverage of the 32 villagers who are without food for 40 days says President (i) of the order.

El Colegio de Periodistas de Chile sentenced this morning the silence information that has been in the national media, about the hunger strike by 32 inmates of communities Mapuche held for more than a month in various prisons of the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Regions.

In this regard, President (i) of the guild, Rodrigo Miranda, said that in his opinion, such a situation should be analyzed by the Federation of Media, self-regulatory body of media companies, noting that also College asked its National Ethics Tribunal (Trina) a statement on the matter.

"We find it troubling, to say the least, that this issue only appears in the agenda of the media and strongly condemn this happen," said the leader, He recalled that the strikers began their protest on 12 July, with little coverage of their demands and the reasons that led to this decision.
said that while journalists can influence and suggest the themes of their news, they are not ultimately responsible for defining the standard news, because that lies at the headquarters and, ultimately, the owners and drivers of media.

"We learned a number of ways what happened in Cuba, with shipments continuing the voyage to Spain of refugees and the arrival of one of them to Chile, and we are today with extensive coverage on what happens with 33 compatriots buried in a mine in Copiapo, with broadcasts almost 24 hours. But the 32 strikers Mapuche, of which 8 are serious, little or nothing was known, except on rare occasions and honorable, "exemplified the President (i) the Association of Journalists.

(For Leyla Noriega Zegarra)

Extracted from: The Alternativa.ORG

Monday, August 23, 2010

Licensing To Become A Tow Truck Driver In Ontario

23 AUGUST! 1927 - 2010

's been 83 years this August 23, 1927 (Massachusetts), in which they were killed (accused and convicted , by officers, armed robbery and murder charges not committed) in the electric chair: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, to seek better living conditions as proletarians, to seek the transformation of society and for being anarchists.

is a date that must remain in our memory not to be forgotten (and many who have to remain remembered, remembering and writing), because it represents the war between two irreconcilable classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat . The first that seeks to perpetuate the exploitation of man by man (capitalism), using all means and ways to maintain, and seeking second-class emancipation, termination and abolition of the state, a better society and its transformation (Communism / Acracia). War that remains today and is becoming fiercer.

brutally lashes The bourgeoisie, as it has done, every movement, group, person [...] that claim and fight against this system of domination and exploitation, condemning all acts of protest and resistance as "terrorist ". Worldwide today and is implemented intensifies repression (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, USA, Germany, France and many other places) and give him standing to laws and decrees endorsed by the State, as an instrument of the ruling class perpetuates the domination and exploitation.

Let us not miss these acts with impunity. The bourgeoisie and its capitalist system (which also has no boundaries), generators of misery, the accumulation of wealth in few hands and holding, despite the crisis that comes through, continues to suppress. Social protest is criminalized, they stop people, imprisons and kills them.

's get organized and begin to create conditions for the transformation of society. Generate responses and alternative proposals to this operating system. We have a past history of struggle and resistance that must be considered. Our (as) partner (s) Fallen (as) did not die in vain, they left a path to follow, which we must continue, since there is also resistance, therefore, continue resisting to the achievement of a world and tomorrow best: COMMUNISM / Acracia.


Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, THEIR NAMES stay with us!



23 - 2008 to 2010

How Many Members In A Gym

[Chile] Arrests and searches in connection with the investigation "if bombs

Santiago de Chile. At dawn on August 14 to 15, has had place a police operation in which helicopters were used to police, as well as "police intelligence." At first there were 5 detenidxs: 2 in Santiago Center, 1 and 2 in Valparaiso Pudahuel. The "official excuse" of the case is given by the Case Pumps, and the need to clarify to 23 bombings recorded in Santiago, which police said would have direct links with the group detenidxs.
The first raid was to
Okupa The Croton
(Santa Isabel # 380) where 6 people were arrested and where he was busted a gate. Then it was the turn of Sacco and Vanzetta CSO

(El Cobre # 8793, Pudahuel), where no additional information has been obtained. Among detenidxs vegan are: Paul Morales

Furiman: Ex Lautaro. Arrested in Okupa The Croton. Retamales Rodolfo Leiva: Ex Lautaro.

Omar Marin Hermosilla Andrea Urzua Cid: In 2008 TNT allegedly tried ingresat extermination center where, at the time, were Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel. Felipe Guerra Guajardo Carrasco Cancino Cristian Riveros Carlos Lüttge

    Camilo Iván Pérez Tamayo Gonzalez Goldenberg: Arrested in Valparaiso. Police said the gun he was carrying at the time of his death Mauricio Morales, was owned by Ivan. Candelaria
  • Cortes-Monroy Francisco Infante
  • Solar
  • Monica Caballero Domínguez Sepúlveda
  • Extracted from:
  • those who struggle! (A)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Long Wait After Wax

lecture on

lecture on Anarchism

.- Presentation of the workshop.
II .- Anarchy and Anarchism.
III .- La Libertad and the Authority from an anarchist perspective.
IV .- God and the State from an anarchist perspective.
V. - Proposals and Practice of Anarchism (I).
VI .- Anarchism Proposals and Practice (II). VII .-
News & Views on anarchism.

date: Wednesday, 1 September 2010.

Held Aula 16 of the Faculty of Social Sciences UNMSM

Time: 3:00 pm

Organizers: Social Studies Anarchist Group - GAES

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Bakeries Sell Low Fat Birthday Cakes

Anarchism Class struggle Or the National Agreement? Prolegomena

Dolphin Lévano

is undeniable economic and social antagonism between capitalists and workers, increasingly accentuated antagonism since they are two diametrically opposed forces in their operation, their purposes, their development and aspirations.

capitalists, to form a ruling caste, are necessarily conservative, since it would otherwise perpetuate their social system that favors them with honors, riches and power. The workers, by contrast, is a subjugated class that suffers all manner of atrocities. Because it is inevitably subject to work, languishing in servitude and no freedom of action, independence, social dignity, since poverty living means more abaldonante slavery.

Being a conservative capitalism, its components are social parasites that suck, who extort money and humiliate workers. Capitalists used to the comforts, luxury, the waste and the enjoyment of all pleasures, committed the heinous crime of social deprivation, hoarding the product of the work of others and accumulating wealth to ensure his own happiness and the happiness of their descendants . Naturally, this theft and greed of capitalism are based first on the long-standing [old, rooted] immorality transmitted by the first men to land encroached and wrought products for men, weak and ignorant, immoral now enshrined in law the right of private property, and second, by brutal force available to the State support the powerful fruit-theft and greed sow hardship and distress suffered by the great proletarian family, despite much work during his life, barely enough to earn enough salary that condemns him to live miserably. Contrast outrageous that fills us with anger!.

Placed face to face is, therefore, two markedly different classes, resulting from antagonism to speak up: on one side the idling and swim in opulence with its lavish and comfortable life, the other, those who have nothing and lack even the necessary food to nourish your body and faint, however, wear their energies roughly his entire life working .

blatant contradiction! Frightening reality, which categorically denies [the alleged] basic principles of modern democracy: liberty, equality, fraternity!.

no doubt that capitalism, after the French Revolution once destroyed feudalism and the "aristocracy of blood," has contributed to the progress of industries and the development of civilization, causing the commercial approach of all countries. But, at the expense of many tears and hunger, how much blood, how many lives sacrificed for the good of the proletariat triumph of the pluto-autocracy of all the nations. However, economists and advocates of the bourgeois hacks, and even some scientists who theorize from their armchairs to dissect without investigating this social structure to apply a righteous criticism, proclaiming that the advancement of science and upgrading of machinery and as the progress of chemistry and the use of force or natural agents produce greater social welfare, because they argue that increased production in less amount of time and human energy corresponds to greater wealth and thus less poverty.

Garrafal imposture may have overtones of true minds rudimentary or routine, but not to the facts we see, we touch, we feel, not to the terrible and shameful injustices and social contrasts of this bourgeois order, where progress of the arts, industries and even science is for the benefit of the affluent and to the detriment moral and physical development of workers.

Since, therefore, demonstrably true and indisputable the antagonism between capitalist and working classes, still another real fact that capitalists tend to retain their privileges and perpetuate the current living conditions , being yet another historical fact that workers, we can say rogue, servants, employees of their exploiters, tend to be freed from this slavery, we do not understand that reasoning is based on certain elements labeled as "social revolutionaries" to preach the " harmony "between capital and labor, between masters and slaves, between which strips and stripped.

No!, There can be no such harmony: the partnership or collaboration with those who govern and those who exploit in order to "improve the sad condition of the dispossessed" can only based on an erroneous concept of class struggle and the historic mission of organized labor unions.

not alleged that workers here are not organized yet, much less prepared to put into practice a separate union tendency other oppressive economic and political classes, not alleged to do something while the workers, over time, understand their mission eminently revolutionary and libertarian, not alleged that the workers are still unable to receive and understand the generous libertarian ideas. Sophisms, nothing but sophistry or debase the legitimate means workers are all these allegations!.

Just to be in his early labor organization, being in union and management trends anarchist ideas should not start giving wrong or false labor movement or orientation sow confusion or retarding retrograde ideas when teaching history, with clarity, with categorical statements with incontrovertible postulates shows us the true path that we must continue to conquer what we all need: political freedom, economic independence, the intellectual and moral improvement.

finished saying insipid between extreme wealth and laziness of the above and extreme misery and servitude below the antagonisms are irreconcilable, the former are dominant, the latter are slaves today, released tomorrow, the former represents a force of oppression, subjection, and the latter are a force for revolutionary advance of the arrival libertarian. Therefore, they are antithetical forces.

Written: 1923. First published: in September 1923.

digital version: La Protesta, No. 2, first quarter 2004:

Instructivo Electronic Battleship En Español


Today the vast majority of the media plays the role of being the cultural and ideological arm of the classes dominant. By virtue thereof all costs trying to brand as terrorists any form of demonstration and rejection of the status quo. Terrorists are for them (as for the state), anyone who claims and demands better living conditions, Amazon terrorists, terrorists, protesters, etc..
June 14 (2010), a tiny group of people crowed: "general amnesty", "national reconciliation" [...], clearly showing the slogans and act upon a position limping, conciliatory and opportunistic. This event ran like wildfire sprinkler by the mainstream media, of (mis) information, magnifying insignificant. Given this success comes Caballo Loco Garcia said: "I will not ask anyone's permission to enter the University if I see that happen again," so too, the head of the Judiciary (Villa stein), urged the president to intervene Izquierdo and power meter. Open letter giving the latter a possible intervention (and leaking information to the repressive forces) then said: "involving the San Marcos."
But what is behind all this? This event fell like a ring finger at the APRA government (fascist) and other right wing, since almost no one speaks of the struggles and mobilizations that are taking place, from the sale of gas cloudy and corruption in all areas, the cut of 75% of affecting public spending including education, hence the universities, the Constitutional Court ruling against legalizing San Marcos to the Municipality of Lima (with Castro at the helm) will continue to maim, to the election of deans caballazo University and the rampant corruption in it, the infiltration of the Intelligence Service in the universities [...].
It already stated, we reject all these psychosocial and smoke, and denounce:
- The Terrorist State, with Garcia at the head seeks to stop all demonstration and protest (criminalizing), empowered to do all forms enforcement possible.
- A major media (mis) information (media and reactionary bourgeois), as an endorsement of terrorism, which only seeks to confuse and manipulate people in favor of the ruling classes.
- The rector of San Marcos, as support for terrorism and his informant, to give rein to the intervention and systematic detention of students by the state and the forces of repression (military wing Terrorist State.)
We call on all students and students not to meet all the slanders and attacks expressed in most of the media against San Marcos, which basically also a guarantee and an excuse for allowing that the state (terrorist) acts in a future other universities and the Student Movement sweep starting to realize, to organize and demonstrate.
was also not forget the APRA government (now again with Garcia in the lead) that began to infiltrate the police and military well in universities (1986 and 1987), who was with them where they began to disappear and kill students (notorious and openly with the government Shift-Fuji-Montesinos, who continued). Also massacred and exterminated many as it was in the pediment and elsewhere. It also created the paramilitary command (Command of death and destruction) "Rodrigo Franco", who made countless assassinations and bombings. Also, do not forget that it was the clique aprafascista that guaranteed in the late 60's the law against guerrillas (death penalty), always faithful to its tradition of contempt for people and social activists.




Dental School Scholarships



A January 15, 1919 , the Peruvian proletariat after a long and bloody struggle (which began on December 23, 1918 strike by workers of the textile factory "El Inca", joining the "Union Textile Vitarte, days after the Federation of Bakers Workers Star of Peru ", triggered a mass mobilization, producing cessation of activities and clashes between strikers and law enforcement) succeeded in conquering the reduction of working hours to eight hours *. Such a feat was not easy, let alone overnight, to his credit, our proletariat, had already a sufficient tradition of heroism and struggle.

Among the most significant are: the 1896, where Vitarte Textile workers staged a strike demanding the reduction of working hours, wage increases and improvements in nutrition. In 1904, Dock dock workers take to the fight asking for overtime pay rise and the claim of the eight hours of work, dying in battle "Aliaga Florencio (a Thursday May 19), considered the first martyr social worker struggles in Peru. In 1905 (May 1), the Workers Federation of Bakers 'Star of Peru "held a ceremony for the International Workers' Day (the heroic deeds of the martyrs of Chicago), she agreed to start the fight common joint to achieve the eight-hour workday, the same year occurs dockworkers strike Mollendo (Arequipa), requesting wage increases and reduced working hours and lasted for more than a month. In 1911, enter Striking textile workers Vitarte, demanding wage increases, reduced working hours and free sale of goods, lasting several weeks. In 1912 peasant strike occurs in the Chicama Valley, in Rome Farms, Casa Grande, Sauzal Chiquitoy Cartavio and demanding higher wages and removal of hooks, resulting in brutal repression and slaughter of peasants by the repressive forces, army -. In 1913, he launched the strike the workers of the factory metal Guadalupe, Vulcano, White and the Eagle, likewise the most important and significant was made by the Callao port workers where they get the first wins the eight-hour day. First to the docks and dock laborers (January 10), then for the operators of the Mill Milne and Co, the operator of the gas plant, floating dock operators, operators of Customs, the printing of Callao and the House Wagner. Representing an important achievement crystallized by the proletarian organized, motivated to continue fighting for better living conditions and the transformation of society and the emancipation of the worker to be the work themselves.

Also in 1915, there is a strike of textile workers in Vitarte, ending in bloodshed. In 1916, there is the worker-peasant strike Huacho, Barranca, Sayan and Pativilca, leaving many dead and wounded workers strike Talara and Negritos, who was brutally repressed. In 1917, the strike by drivers and riders, textiles and peasantry Huacho Valley, Smelter Mine and Cerro de Pasco; of farms Casa Grande, Kirin and Cartavio, among other memorable and heroic struggles of the proletariat, as part of the struggle for emancipation (the end of exploitation and oppression in which it is).


Although in 1919 he won the eight-hour workday, not fully achieved in some places it took years to achieve them, and not a peaceful but through bloody and bloody fighting, in many places there was no respect or much less to established.

Today we can see that the worker's situation becomes increasingly precarious and the conditions under which worsens each day unfolds more and more. Operators (rulers) are served in new ways and mechanisms to perpetuate the exploitation and phase out the rights won (the trade unions, to eight hours, better pay, fixed position, vacation ...) through history. Thus we have, the outsourcing of work, job placement (Services), the non-personal service contracts (SNP), inter alia, endorsed by the state apparatus (and governors of the day) which does not yield to any claim until after a long, hard struggle.

In this sense, the worker's situation is again similar as at the beginning of last century (nineteenth century), but in conditions and situations. Working hours exceed eight hours (and in some cases 12, 14 and 16 hours), wages are below the legal minimum with the just enough to meet basic needs (in some cases not be rendered), temporary contracts to be dismissed easily, demobilization and uncertainty of the proletariat for fear of losing their jobs, trimming and removal of rights won, [ ...].


Thus, that 90 years of the conquest of eight hours, we have to take stock, review and reflection on what has been there until now: if this important achievement is continuing to observe if the living conditions (and development) improved worker (both physical and intellectual), if there has been progress and setbacks in the labor movement, both organic, political and ideological [...]. That in itself is a very hard and arduous work, which is not imposed on a person, group or organization, but in all the diversity of individuals, groups, movements ... which are still continuing and will continue to fight. It will have to draw valuable lessons to fight more effectively and deal with operators, to strengthen (and achieve) the class unity against the common enemy.

it is necessary to organize, propagandize and agitate the various spaces of struggle to achieve new conquests (and win back the gains lost it), to direct change and transformation of society (emancipation of the proletariat) through social revolution.


* The Peruvian proletariat working between 14 to 16 hours a day, thus receiving a paltry wages quite poor for their livelihood.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hair Extentions At Jcpennys

[Russia] Two activists detained in Moscow

  • Fri, 06/08/2010 - 10:45 - Anonim @
  • Approximately 24 hours after the protest held on July 28 against the construction of a new road linking Moscow-St Petersburg through Khimki Forest Park, where hundreds of anarchists and anti-fascists attacked with stones and fireworks at City Khimki, Maksim Solopov Gaskarov Aleksei and were arrested by police on charges, without proof, of having planned the attack on government building.
  • A Russian eco-libertarian explains that "the two are accused of organizing action and police said they were arrested in the act, an absurdity, because one of them, Maksim, granted an interview with a local radio station the day after the criminal action of the mountain logging in Khimki.
  • She says that "during the protest there were no injuries to people. The protesters broke a pair of glasses and did some graffiti."
    "Police arrested these two guys just because they are both public figures and anti-fascist movement known Moscow. It is they who give interviews and sign the reports on the demonstrations 'legal' "he says.

    The press and public were forbidden access to view, illegally. The two activists were sentenced to remain in custody for two months until the hearing next. The penal code article that the government wants to implement, involves seven years in prison. Aleksey Maksim and were transferred to a prison on the outskirts of Moscow.

    Moreover, the movement against the destruction of the forest, a rare ecosystem in Khimki, in oak trees, elk, wild boar and several species of birds continues. Gaskarov y Solopov


    Anarchist Forum Alasbarricadas

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Can You Ran With Impetigo

    criminalization of protest SOCIAL AND STUDENT MOVEMENT

    Throughout history, governments (monarchical, republican, democratic ...) have used a series of actions (legal or illegal) to maintain power and promote a minority at the expense of the people and popular sectors, which represents the majority. Using force and violence to quell the complaints, demands and struggles of the people, through the forces of (dis) order and repression.

    Thus, the whole conquest, defense, claim [...] of rights has been achieved through a relentless struggle. Fight (of sorts) that has been maintained throughout history and remains today.


    Worldwide has been experiencing an acute crisis, appreciating the impact on all levels in the country (as a country dependent on both economic, political, cultural ...). On that basis, the APRA government, following its tradition opportunistic, demagogic, is implementing a series of policies in favor of the ruling class (large domestic and foreign businesspeople-) and all the parasitic caste Cover-up and is entrenched in his government.

    Under such policies, the people (nationally), has been organized, fighting and becoming aware. In response to popular organization, the APRA government (fascist), is showing its characteristic authoritarianism and disregard for the popular sector, implementing (from last year -2007 -) various legislative decrees, criminalization of social protest (which is already previous governments, which now makes it more formal and visible) against any person claiming, and it requires states to respect their rights.

    These decrees allow
    for example, that police and military can freely use their weapons against demonstrators, causing death and injury, and no answer for it, likewise provides that every person who walks (meets, express their dissatisfaction, supporting strikes ...) is considered an extortionist and can go to jail for up to 25 years (DL 982). Also, a person may be detained by the police without a warrant even though it is far from the scene or has passed for 24 (DL 989), extending the period of custody to be sentenced as quickly as possible (DL 983 ) and can be held incommunicado for 10 days, regardless of the crime he was accused (D. L. 988). *

    Such measures have been carried out steadily appreciated in recent protests, strikes and demonstrations, where people have been brutally suppressed, causing also the deaths of many comrades. More acute contradictions and most notably, declaring a public war and open to people who claim, demand your rights, you want to be respected and was taken into account.


    Before this situation, the universities are not regardless of what happens, they are not isolated in all these processes of struggle, or even more students, since it reflects well-crisis (micro level) in the university (and education in general). Appreciate, clearly, the consequences from a few years ago, where it has been implemented and applied throughout a policy of "gentrification and privatization of universities", for example, charges for entrance exams, by prospectus, payment of record admission, registration, insurance [...] and not to mention when you graduated, they charge you anything to get her diploma and professional qualification, among others away and thus marginalizing grassroots clubs the right to education, training and development as individuals. Likewise, corruption and embezzlement, cronyism and bad teachers authorities are wing agenda, anti-student measures and repressive at both the University and various faculties and the depoliticization of the student almost universal.

    not forget that the student movement of a situation is ebb as a result of military intervention (1991) and administrative (1995), which weakened him and struck deep (but failed to destroy it, as many continued to fight and resist) produced the disappearance of students, little support to those affected, isolation of the struggles [...].

    But this is not stated and implied the existence of people not aware of this situation and problems, showing their rejection and dissatisfaction with this situation. Clear example of this is the membership who have been doing many fellow students (both individual, group or organizational level) in the various control processes that have been happening, so mobilized, making plants and marching and fighting claims own University (budget, middle passage, better teaching conditions and environment, greater access to the University, against privatization and gentrification, conducting research and science ...), which are intimately linked with the struggle of our people (and reality) and that have great influence on students.


    Today again the student movement is organizing, structuring, rebuilding their Student Center and Federated Centers and Unions in general, its shortcomings and errors but is still moving forward, taking part and joining in the various processes struggle, going back in a situation of flux and rise of the student movement, organization and generating awareness of the student.

    It is therefore important to investigate and study our history, to learn to assimilate the past and so to analyze the historical process of the studies of reality and the current situation, with adequate capacity for analysis and critical in order to move forward and creating the conditions for a new university and transformation of society (reality).

    also not forget to make some history, it was with the government aprafascista (now head back to the felon García - "the dog in the manger" or rather "the donkey in the manger" -) that began to infiltrate the police and miliary well in universities (1986 y1987), who was with them where they began to disappear and kill students (and most obviously and openly with the government of the day-Fuji-Montesinos, who continued). Also massacred and exterminated many partners as it was in the pediment and elsewhere. It also created the paramilitary command (Command death and destruction) "Rodrigo Franco", which made an infinite number of murders and attacks many companions. Also, do not forget that it was the clique aprafascista that guaranteed in the late 60's the law against the guerrillas (death penalty), always faithful to its tradition of contempt for the people and social activists.

    * For further more information check the website APRODEH:


    Banks That Do Their Own Underwriting


    _ Evviva l'Anarchia!.

    were the last words heard in the morning of 1 February 1931, followed by eight shots that hit him in the chest. Already in the ground in a pool of blood, was shot in the head end. Had been executed Severino Di Giovanni (29 years) Iriburu dictatorship that after lightning trial (by a military court) sentenced him to the wall. The next day, shot fall in the same place Paul-young fighter anarchist Scarfó of 22 years, with fists faced death before his executioners, firing the same cry of Severino, but in Castilian: Viva Anarchy!.

    Severino was born March 17, 1901 in Chieti, Italy. He served as a teacher until fascism forced him into exile. Coming to Argentina in 1923. In there, he worked as a printer and typesetter, newspaper editing the "ends" from August 1925.

    participated in acts of solidarity by the arrest and murder of Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) *, making a series attacks against U.S. targets. Likewise, the expropriation conducted activities for funding.

    Persecuted and looked everywhere, wrote (in various media), edited newspapers and magazines ("Anarchia"), while participating and intervening in various groups of control and strike agitation. So, too, began to publish the complete works of Elisée Reclus (French anarchist geographer and member of the First International).

    In late January 1931, at the output of a printing press, was ambushed and chased by the police. He tried to escape through roofs and streets, creating a shooting that killed a girl and several injured **. He was wounded and trapped with Scarfó Paulino to be tried and sentenced to death. The two were brutally tortured before being shot *** but not betrayed any partner.

    Evviva l'Anarchia! and Viva Anarchy!, his last words on that morning, true to their ideals until the last days. Men of ideas clear and direct action, solidarity and active militant comrades, never feared or to intimidate anyone. Convinced that they fought for new and more just society, without exploitation stateless and ****. Their names are already in the chronic revolutionary as well as many social activists who gave their lives in the course of history, for a better world.

    Thus we honor, remember and keep alive and active in our memories, because the story, sooner or later, will prove us right. And along with them shouted again: VIVA LA ANARCHY!.


    * Italian workers, who were tried, sentenced and executed in the electric chair on August 23, 1927 in Massachusetts, on charges they did not commit and being anarchists.

    ** The police fired more than a hundred bullets, Severino only five.

    *** Les
    testicles crushed and twisted them with tongs tongue, burned with cigarettes, among other abuses.

    **** For further more information check the website: Http:// .

    Poptropica How To Open A Cheat Engine

    SCARF PAULINE Leon Czolgosz

    early September 1901, at Buffalo (New York), is made Pan-American exhibition that brings together a diversity of exhibitors, including the president of the United States William Mc Kinley (1) he made a speech on foreign trade on September 5.

    The next day, the evening of September 6, went to the Temple of Music greeting the person attending. Leon Czolgosz, is intended to meet the president. Arriving turn, holds out his left hand, receives two shots (2). Being held immediately exclaimed

    "I have done my duty. The president was an enemy of the good workers. Traveled the country saying that the property reigned everywhere. Is a liar. I do not think we need leaders. Killing them is just. I'm an anarchist. "

    William McKinley, after much agony and inability of doctors to extract one of the two bullets lodged in the body, died on 14 September.

    But who was Leon Czolgosz, What motivated him to take such action?

    Leon Czolgosz, was born in Detroit in 1873, the son of Polish immigrants. It was the fourth in a family of eight siblings. In 1891 the family moved to Cleveland. Starting to work in a factory, he begins to establish a relationship with revolutionary groups. In 1901, he has the chance to meet Emma Goldman at a conference held in the Franklin Liberal Club. During the break Czolgosz approaches Goldman asking him to recommend something to read, to which Goldman will gladly agreed, indicating a series of books to their concerns. Three months then meet again, having a brief conversation, since that day Emma Goldman started to Rochester.

    Months later, he moved to Buffalo, taking a room in a hotel under the name of John Doe (on August 31, 1901). Days after the event unfolds on 6 September.

    After this action, begins a relentless hunt for anarchists across the country. Anarchists must be exterminated! They should be thrown into the sea there is no place for vultures under our flag! many anarchists are arrested, pointing to Emma Goldman as instigator of the act, and brutally suppressed the anarchist movement.

    days later Emma Goldman is released for lack of evidence. Try to organize a meeting to explain the attitude of the anarchists against Czolgosz, but police blocked their implementation. Given this fact, left his position at the Free Society:

    "Leon Czolgosz and other men of his class, far from being depraved creatures of low instincts, they are really super-sensitive beings unable to resist great social pressures. This leads them to express themselves violently, even sacrificing their own lives, because they can not witness indolent misery and suffering of his neighbor. For such acts should blame those who are responsible for the injustices and inhumanity that dominates the world "

    Leon Czolgosz, was brutally tortured. Brought to crawl with his head bandaged and swollen, was presented to the Supreme Court of New York, who ordered the death penalty.

    was executed on October 29, 1901 in the electric chair. His last words before getting the download fulminant were: "No regrets. I killed the president because he was an enemy of the working class " (3).

    His name has been forgotten over the years, little is spoken, he says and writes. So, than a year of his death (107 years of such event), commemorating their sacrifice and salute him, because the facts of history can not be forgotten, set aside or ignored. Emphasizing not the role of victim, if not of a revolutionary fighter who gave his life and gave everything for the largest ideal that can exist: Anarchism.

    His name endures and will endure in people who are still struggling and still fighting for a more just, free and equal. For a new world and society. Communism (anarchy / Acracia).

    when a revolutionary DIE, NEVER DIE!

    Leon Czolgosz, YOUR NAME LIVES IN U.S.!





    (1) Twenty-fifth President of the United States, a member of the Republican Party .

    (2) He had a revolver in his right hand wrapped in a white handkerchief. The first shot went through the shoulder and the second stomach, staying in the back.

    (3) This article is based on the text: "Remembering our fallen, reminding Leon Czolgosz, published on the website of Anarchist Collective" Words of War. " To further expand social information check: .



    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Can Female Babysitters Bathe Men


    "we who have built the palaces and cities in Spain, America and worldwide. We, the workers, we can build new palaces and cities to replace those destroyed [...]. No fear of the ruins [...]. The bourgeoisie can make their world shatters before leaving the stage of history. But we took a new world inside us and the world grows every moment ... "(1).

    The funeral procession left the building of the National Labour Confederation (CNT). The coffin walked the street, covered with red and black, had the initials of the CNT and FAI. Around three hundred thousand people, with his fist raised, gave him a last farewell to friend, colleague and comrade, "Buenaventura Durruti, who died on November 20, 1936.

    Buenaventura Durruti, was born in Leon on July 14, 1896. Child "was, as regards, Rosa Durruti, her sister a good student. Smart, a little mischievous, but good character. Mechanical profession " (2), provided the service in its class, the proletariat.

    met exile, suffered persecution and imprisonment for his political and revolutionary activity, but failed to placate him or break him. Was an active militant of the CNT and the FAI, in constant struggle and ready for action. Opposing fascism and all forms of dictatorship, the workers' revolution and the destruction of the state, anarchy.

    plays an important role against the fascist uprising and military uprising (3), which was launched near the town doggedly struggle, among them were: Ascaso, Jover, García Oliver, among many other fighters (4) -, stopping the partisan movement in Barcelona. Days after establishing the Committee of Antifascist Militias (5).

    For Durruti, war and revolution were intimately linked, for that reason are inseparable. "We make war and revolution at the same time ... this is what the circumstances require. Revolutionary measures that affect people not only apply to the rear, ... are valid on the first line (6). Thus, they passed through the anarchists collectivized land is occupied factories, workshops [...], proclaimed the free commune. He was always ready to fight and show their humanity and solidarity by their classmates, as he always showed in his practice. So that, along with a contingent of about a thousand militiamen, went to Madrid that he was in danger. In Madrid, a few days of arriving in the city and join the fight, he was hit by a bullet that lodged in the chest at heart level (19 November), where the early morning of 20 November 1936, lost his life after a long agony (7).

    is so, than a year of his death, we pay tribute, not lamenting its demise, but, remembering him as a person and revolutionary who was not only in words but also of acting, as his memory lasts and will last forever, they gave everything, even his life for the sake of emancipation of the proletariat, the social revolution, anarchy (Acracia / communism).

    when a revolutionary DIE, NEVER DIE!

    Buenaventura Durruti, EXAMPLE WITH YOU WIN!




    (1) Enzensberger, Hans Magnus (1975). "The short summer of anarchy. Durruti's life and death. " Grijalbo, Mexico City, p. 24.

    (2) Interview by Pierre Van countries ("Toronto Daily Star, Toronto, October 28, 1936), in: Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, oc, p. 193.

    (3) Started on July 17, 1936 in Melilla (Morocco), which then spread throughout Spain on 18 July of that year. See Thomas, Hugh (1976). "The English Civil War." Grijalbo, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bT. I, p. 239-256.

    (4) On July 20, Francisco Ascaso died after the assault on the headquarters of the shipyards. See: Thomas, Hugh, oc, p. 274.

    (5) For the establishment of the Anti-Fascist Militias Committee, review: Thomas, Hugh, oc, p. 275-276.

    (6) Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, oc, p. 268.

    (7) For more details and further information, review the aforementioned text Enzensberger, Hans Magnus and the Llarch, Joan (1976). "Durruti's death." Plaza y Janes, Barcelona.


    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    How Often Can You Have A Brazilian Wax

    principles, tactics and goals. No. 370

    Due to a recent e-mail requesting information about our "group" we have decided to publish what are our principles, tactics and goals.

    As we discussed in a previous blog entry, we identify 100% with the old or the latest FJLL FIXED step to copy the principles, tactics and purposes for which we link, which can be found on page The web of FIJA.

    Against Property:

    inhumane because it is an injustice that a person stop the wealth produced by other people or the land that belongs only to mankind, and is an attribute to society, as important as life is for the individual. Because it has its origin in a violent and criminal plundering of the strongest against the weakest, creating the odious presence of the parasites of society who have no social mission than to hire labor through the exploitation and misery of others. Because capitalism creates and sets the wage law, which condemns human beings to a permanent economic slavery and the vagaries of the unbalanced economy.

    Against the Principle of Authority: For suppose this relaxation of human personality to bring some people to the will of others, awakening instincts that predispose them to cruelty and indifference to the pain of a fellow, and as the authority of the instrument used to subdue the violence of the individual to property interests.

    Against the State: Because restrict the free development and normal development of activities ethical, philosophical and scientific peoples, and as the basic foundation that maintains the principle of authority and defend the property by the armed forces , police, judiciary and prison. Because it keeps the army and navy, whose mission is destructive inhuman to throw some people against others, destroying the feelings of sociability and solidarity of the human being to become a means of domination by the strong against the weak peoples.

    Against Politics: Because understanding politics as played by les politiques activity within the state to gain privilege and power, this presupposes the annulment of the person, and that giving one's will to another stranger, undermine the collective interests is a false parliamentary majority. Politics is the means used by the existing system of domination (representative democracy in the service of the oligarchs and Capital) to legitimize the interests of property and laws in their efforts to support and defend the State.

    Against Religion: Why violate freedom of thought, creating a moral hierarchy that predisposes to accept without complaint all tyranny and undermine social relations with terror and fanaticism, denier of reason and scientific progress.

    Against other forms of power: all forms of prejudice against racial, sexual or any other conditions that prevent the free development and equal human beings. The structures which derive from the State and Capital created to better support System, involving the sacrifice of the individual and collective freedom in favor of a delegation to supposedly more qualified persons seeking to represent, such as reformist parties and trade unions. Against hierarchies of all kinds.


    Freedom: Understood as a natural development, irrespective of all be born, acting in response to the dictates of their conscience and independent will to think, speak and act. It is, therefore, the denial of any form of moral authority and material submitted. This idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom has implied:

    Equality: Of all living beings at all levels, so that relations should be based on free consent and enforceability of the agreements. For relationships to be free and fair there can be no private property because it maintains and is the source of all inequalities. Rearranging and reorganizing production, would eliminate the idle hands of this society. More collective ownership and making them available to farmers land and tools, economic relations would be equal because they seek to meet the needs of the community, not rich, as in the capitalist system that seeks, Above all, the economic benefit of poker join. The concept of equality is contrary to any notion of nation or homeland, borders are an invention of the States to safeguard their interests, create conflicts and inequalities between people absurd.

    Solidarity and Mutual Support: As a way of life against competitiveness and exploitation of each other. Solidarity principle that sustains the social relations and means to resolve conflicts, respecting differences, individual freedom and collective good. Practicing mutual support and sincerity in all relationships. Fight social class divisions formed on the privilege of some people over others. We were opposed to the ideas of religions with their superstitions, ecological imbalances, intoxicating medicine and disregard the rest of the animals and people, being advocates of sexual freedom and against the domination of one sex over another. We are opposed to the hierarchical education systems and competitive defend Libertarian Education.

    The ends do not justify the means, these can only be applied according to its principles. We understand our tactics and principles developed in all spheres of social life, a process which is Social Revolution. All social movements that have sought changes, have tried taking power, showing that whenever a savior, a party or a committee put to legislate, they inherit the same habits and problems. So Anarchism rejects power. No way to get games, does not endorse candidates, it is not armies or guerrillas in favor of any ruler. Opposes any parliamentary system, fascist or a Communist and does not collaborate with anyone. It is your only place the opposition to power. Anarchism seeks to weaken people more aware of its uselessness and instilling the idea that you can work outside it, for what he believes schools, unions, communes, communities and other groups that exist without state support. Anarchism is not integrated into the institutions, not legalized, not participating in councils, parliaments, committees and universities, showing their ideals to work organizing his own existence. Moreover, anarchists do not have leaders or bureaucrats, officials, or pay anyone to work for us. Nor do we receive grants. Therefore, we operate voluntarily. So our tactics are
    Direct Action:

    action is permanent without intermediaries. The person is confronted directly with their problems, taking control of their lives without interference, developing their capacity for self-defense, living consciously. We are against conformity, since it prevents direct action creating passivity and indifference. We do not use the channels used by the power, enact electoral active abstention because voting is an act of irresponsibility to leave it apart of filters and the decision on the fundamental problems of social life, and further legitimizes the principle of power. Our goal is not to conquer political power, but to destroy it, so do not collaborate with the state, and we believe that entering the system implies acceptance of its premises. Direct action does not necessarily imply violent action. In this way we defend ourselves from the means used the state and the privileged classes to prevent and neutralize our rebellion. Our aim is to achieve social equilibrium state joins, and to achieve this, we reject any imposed government, participate in any war generated by the capital and the state. We call for the dismantling of prisons, reformatories and asylums; defend the right of anyone to govern our lives and the occupation of spaces where we can implement our libertarian principles. Against the aggressions and humiliations to which we subjected the capital, support workers' struggles anarchosyndicalist hue. Propaganda by Deed:

    Spread the anarchist ideal is our daily actions. It is practicing anarchist ethic relations in everyday life as possible, showing the rebellion and opposition to the system established by our behavior. We advocate an ongoing confrontation by attacking any person, institution or symbol abridging the freedom of individuals Culture: Culture anarchist Disseminate through writing, publishing and publicizing the art, literature, music, anarchists, and and promoting the libertarian, free radio stations, community centers ... Federation:

    is the union ensuring equality voluntary self-determination. This will join forces and abolish privileges. We deny the countries and their borders and fight against all forms of imperialism and colonialism. The federation works in assemblies, without hierarchies, so that nobody can be above anybody. The different groups that form a federation are free to join or leave her. The way to make it unanimous agreement, there is no vote. Thus, abolishing the rule of the majority over the minority and vice versa. We are aware that the federation itself is not an anarchist. Only understood in a libertarian ideological framework becomes a tactic to extend the struggle not only to the mere performance of the group, as well as how to organize the relationship between the cells of a new society. Federalism is therefore a key aspect of social anarchism is the glue that binds the organization.

    OUR PURPOSE Our purpose is that anarchist ideas have an impact on society in such a way as to recover the social conscience and consciousness of the working class, which we understand is based on understanding the situation of exploitation in which we are subject under the current system. This understanding of our situation of exploited and oppressed is complemented with mechanisms to apply to this situation go away and can strike a balance in the relations of individuals between them and the environment. Are these mechanisms anarchist principles and tactics. can therefore say that our aim is to achieve a society based on freedom, equality and solidarity between people. We call this libertarian communist society, which is the only model of social organization that allows a balance with nature and social development based on anarchist principles.

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Space Walker Audio Driver

    Civil War and Revolution in Spain

    Body Style Change Tahoe



    mid-1930, in Spain felt the impact of global crisis. The crisis deepened in the agricultural, industrial and monetary. The situation worsened considerably the working masses. Throwing the struggle of the proletariat in those years was scattered and divided, leading to the strengthening of the bourgeoisie rushed together and act in common form.

    Thus the bourgeois republican movement after the famous Pact of San Sebastián created the "Revolutionary Committee" to address the monarchists sectors also organized and strengthened. The PSOE showed support for the movement, where its main leaders became part of this committee, giving movement to the hegemony of sectors and bourgeois party.

    those years began to intensify strikes, calling him several times to the general strike. To appease the movement were called to fight elections. The elections of April 12, 1931 gave the victory to the Republicans, thus producing the transition from Monarchy to Republic. Day 13 was proclaimed the Second Republic under the leadership of "Revolutionary Committee." But the monarchy had not collapsed by the vote, but the fighting in the strike action of the proletariat, the peasants, of the student revolts of the general crisis of capitalism, etc.

    The direction of the bourgeois republicans and the PSOE was incapable of solving the problems of the time, betraying the hopes of the working masses, giving the possibility of reactionary forces to strengthen their position.

    The strikes began to intensify, but not all were won by the intrusion of the leaders of the PSOE and the UGT, which is dedicated to breaking and sabotage actions workers. The anarchists threw in some regions direct the fight would soon begin announcing that the "Social Revolution." One of the first uprising was in January 1932, but did not have more roots in the working masses. In 1933 there was another uprising, the most remembered here are the events of "Casas Viejas, where several workers were killed by the repressive forces. But the reactionary forces are not left behind, the 10 August 1932 came the military coup of San Jurjo, attempt by the landlord-financial oligarchy restore the old regime, being crushed by the proletarian mass. This was a clear indication of the status of War unleash the latent civil in 1936.

    Since the beginning of the Second Republic, the reactionary sector saw a threat to their existence begins to organize. Thus, on the one hand we have the fascists, established in October 1931 (in Madrid) the Boards of the National Syndicalist Offensive (JONS) and in October 1933 he founded the English Falange (FE), also in Madrid. That after attempts to unite the fascism in a fail to join together in February 1934, calling English Falange de las JONS, with the head of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Julio Ruiz de Alda and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos. His main method was the imposition by the terror of guns. Its main victims were the workers' sector. On the other hand we had the Monarchists, head Antonio Goicoechea, who also leaned toward dictatorial and fascist solutions.

    Another group was composed of the Catholic right, grouped in the Popular Action, whose leader was José María Gil Robles, representing large landowners and the Jesuits. By March 1933, officially founded the English Confederation of Autonomous Rights (CEDA), to fight against anti-Christian social system and the class struggle after social orientations of Leo XIII and Pius XI, becoming clearly counterrevolutionary organization.

    The divergence of these were essentially tactical. The CEDA was directed to implement fascism in Spain through legal means. The Falange and monarchists were pronounced by the coup-backed military force in order to crush and destroy all opposition.

    In November 1933 the right won the parliamentary elections (with the head CEDA), which led to the maintenance of repression. Thus, in October 1934 broke a series of armed uprisings in Madrid, Catalonia, Euskadi, Asturias lion. The Government claims the state of war and begins to quell the uprisings, except in Asturias, that following the slogan: "Join proletarian brothers, both anarchists (militants of the CNT-FAI) and Marxists (militants of the PCE and PSOE), offered a heroic resistance of two weeks of hard combat. Where cemeteries and prisons filled with revolutionaries. General Franco was the ultimate responsibility for the killing.

    CEDA In 1935 he returned to Government. Gil Robles was in charge of the Ministry of War, and under his influence led to the appointment of Franco as Chief of General Staff. But despite having been the fascist direction in government, failed to consolidate, as a result of strong pressure from the working masses. Under this pressure is called new elections for February 1936.
    As a prelude to the 1936 elections, the Popular Front is formed, composed of the PCE, PSOE, the Republican Left, Republican Union and other organizations with less influence, achieving, in February, a victory (268 members) on right and center (205 members). After this event the masses took to the streets as a form of prevention against the possible threat of fascism. In April 1936 he merged the Socialist Youth and the Communist Youth in a single organization, and thus the Socialist Youth unified. Months later, on July 23 merge the Communist Party of Catalonia, the Catalan section of the PSOE, the Socialist Union and the Proletarian Party, giving birth to the Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC).

    fascist forces, after the February elections, prepared for the uprising. San Jurjo, Franco, Mola and Goded, which still retained significant control, would be leading the uprising. To this end, they agreed with the German and Italian Fascists to receive the necessary support. Before the uprising, began to intensify fascist provocations (bombings and murders), as a prelude what would be civil war that would spread throughout Spain. The death of Calvo Sotelo monarchist leader (July 13), would be the pretext for the start of the fascist uprising on 17 March.

    After the tension and conflict that existed on 17 July the army revolts in Melilla (Morocco), spread throughout Spain on the 18th. The response was immediate proletarian, 17 to late at night the CNT Juan Yagüe, secretary of the Maritime Transport Union, organized the assault ships in the harbor, getting about 150 rifles, which joined different achievements armories on day 18.

    Sunrise on 19 with the crowds asking for weapons, but had not because the Government feared most workers revolution that the military uprising. Despite the lack of armament, the masses are released to the fight, both in Madrid and Barcelona and other parts of the working class, peasants, the vast majority of the petty bourgeoisie, intellectuals and sections of the middle bourgeoisie, relying on their own strength and abort manage to curb the rise in several regions.

    prisoners were released from prison. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200braided several quarters, one was that of St. Andrew, many perished in it, where they got hold of some thirty thousand rifles that was there, obtaining a weapon of the proletariat. Given this situation Goded surrender, days after suffocation in other military outposts. The situation was clearly revolutionary and was under the control of militants.

    nonintervention policy (proposed by the British government and supported by the French government at the head Leon Blum) imposed the ban not to sell arms and provide arms to either side, surrounded and sought asylum in Spain, which not only had to deal with the army and the English fascists, but also to the German fascists, Italian and Portuguese. The United States also contributed to this isolation with its policy of neutrality and be a spectator.

    In Catalonia, on 21, establishing the Central Committee of Antifascist Militias (CCMA), as a new form of administrative organization outside the state, which was not only composed of members of the CNT and FAI, but also by other forces of the Popular Front (three of Esquerra, one of the rabasaires, a Catalan Action, one of PSUC, a representative of the POUM, two of the FAI, three of the CNT and the UGT three .) This type of organization spread throughout the Revolutionary Spain. Thus, in the places where they beat the fascists, radical revolutionary measures were implemented, thus creating the People's Committees, in support of armed militias. Showing that the working classes and weapons, were the only ones who could cope with the rising and start the revolution.

    The revolution in Spain had begun, born in response to rising fascist army and from the need of the proletarian masses for their emancipation, began to be established in various fields. On the problem of the Church, in the areas controlled by militiamen, with the exception of the Basque Country, were closed for worship and used as garages, shelters, etc.., Besides that many had been burned, as the best church that lights was burning. Convents were also closed, being used for the same purpose. Religious schools were closed and committees and trade unions took over the premises and teaching, based on the principles of labor solidarity and removal of privileges. In Barcelona the number of children enrolled in schools increased by 10% between July and October of that year.

    On the issue of ownership, workers seized factories and farmers fields, giving the beginning of collectivization, in the field and in the industry. Also available was the common transport (trains, buses, metros, etc.), The gas will power, telephone, media, entertainment, hotels, restaurants, administered every one of the fields by the committees . It promoted the works and buildings. The salariaros were fair. Those who would not fight in front stayed in the rear to hold and do what is necessary for the maintenance of the revolution. Thus establishing a new type of mentality, moral, work, organization [...]. The industrial regions were cut from their suppliers of raw materials, generating some factories will stop, cities began to cut-off. It created the Committee of Supply, which began shipping the products needed, thus achieving the supply of militants in the front and rear.

    But with the advance of fascist forces, the revolutionary gains were threatened, because everything had to defend body, because the revolution was just beginning. That although the gains were great forcefulness had not expected, since the revolution had to be matured to become the day to day, with advances and setbacks, and the proletariat to achieve their emancipation and to reach the completion and implementation of Communism (Anarchy).

    In late August, the fascist forces advanced, the CNT had received the proposal for collaboration with the Government of Giral. But he resigned on September 4 and was succeeded by Largo Caballero, known as the "English Lenin." The CNT decided to support the republic. In Catalonia, was the new government of the Generalitat, which was attended by three members of the CTN-FAI: Joan Porqueras in the Ministry of Economy, Garcia Birla Health and Welfare and Josep Domenech Abastos. Thus, on September 27 the decision to suppress the functioning of the Central Committee of Antifascist Militias, being attached to the War Department.

    In September the Moscow government took the position to support the Republican government, sending its officers, weapons, planes, etc. It was this aid that saved the crushing Madrid fascist. But is aid was not free, as conditioned largely government policy and the Popular Front parties. That given the chance, the best would prove to be supplied and armed militants of the PCE, which rapidly grew in numbers and influence.

    October 24 Generalitat ordered the militarization of the militias. Durruti Column decided not to admit it, as this did not improve the conditions of the fight, much less the lack of weapons. In November, the main difficulty making Zaragoza was that there were no weapons appropriate provisioning. Durruti resorted to all means, but was denied. He called upon all organizations to stop the bickering and give everything for the revolution. Emphasizing that the fight is not only front but also in the rear, with that which is opposed to the revolutionary gains, and breaking with the decree of the militarization makes a call to join him on the front and discipline.

    anarchist organization The Friends of Durruti (consisting of Durruti Column militants opposed to the militarization, and anarchists critical of the entrance of the CNT and the FAI in the republican government of Catalonia) was founded in March 1937 to form a revolutionary junta to end the abandonment of revolutionary principles and cooperation with the capitalist state. Proposing the replacement of bourgeois government by a revolutionary junta, along with the slogans. "All power to the working class" and "all the economic power to the unions."

    May 3, there is repression against activists of the CNT. Three guards with assault trucks (directed by Rodriguez Salas, a member of the UGT and puppet of Moscow), heavily armed force taken by the headquarters of the Telefónica, which had been seized since July 19 by the CNT. Representing a struggle between the government and the revolutionary masses to defend the gains made by the CNT. These events triggered a stubborn struggle between bourgeois republican forces and some Marxists (endorsed by the PCE and PSOE) on one side and the CNT, the FAI and the POUM on the other side. Initiating the counter-attack the foundations of the CNT, FAI, and other groups and individuals revolutionary. Negrin lead after the power (which sent the stock of gold to Moscow), and that after the influence of PC (Moscow puppets) would continue with the policy of repression, imprisonment and murder.

    One of the first victims that fell was the POUM, its leader Andrés Nin was murdered and the other put in prison. Then the FAI would be declared illegal, removing it from the popular courts. Then the government banned criticism of the USSR. Dissolve councils defending Aragon, where they attack PC militants various people's committees. Dissolve the communities are deleted most of conquests. Is deleted after the publication of Solidaridad Obrera by violence, ban meetings, etc. Being condemned the revolution and gradually it concluded.

    By January 1938 he dissolved the last remnants of the Revolution. Returns to the return of property to the landowners and the collectives are gradually canceled. The revolution is not neutered by the fascists, but by what Republicans and Marxists, who acted as counter-revolutionary agents.

    fascist forces begin to gain ground and places are falling gradually taken by the proletarian mass. The defeat was inevitable. Gradually falling in major cities. Russia fails to support Spain because he no longer met their interests, leaving Spain at the mercy of fascism, which since March of 1939, Franco took possession of all Spain, announced an offensive on April 26, but and there was no organized force that could offer resistance. Where it was not a fighter, but an occupation of abandoned positions. And on May 28, Franco and his troops triumphantly entered fascists Madrid. And 20 marched victoriously.