Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wedding Ceremony Wording/lutheran


defined in the Weblog, Blog or Blogs as a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors. Typically, in each article, readers can write their comments and the author to answer them, so it is possible to establish a dialogue. The elements common to all blogs are: comments, links, backlinks, organize, photos and video.
To Clear Lake University (2004) the potential of blogs in education can be found for both students and teachers. For students the options are: diaries, electronic portfolios and presentation of tasks and review. For teachers include: content related to professional practice and personal knowledge sharing network.
Blog created by teachers Andújar where you will find a wealth of resources for counseling, tutoring, Hearing and Language, Special Needs Education, Support and Supplemental Materials and interesting links to other pages. therapeutic pedagogy
blog where we can find multiple resources for job-related skills Language and Mathematics for the three primary cycles, as well as tests for assessing the level of competence curriculum.
IES Caesarina Norba, find resources on different areas of educational guidance, mainly from academic and tutorial action. Among other resources we can find guidance booklets for 4 º ESO 2 º de Bachillerato in pdf format for free.
Blog devoted exclusively to high school with multiple links and information for these students.
Interesting blog, where we can find a new Action Plan Tutorial for ESO, with activities based on videos, films and links to various websites. Regarding APO, access links to videos on various professions ...
most interesting thing about this blog, perhaps they are your links sorted by thematic areas and some of them little known. Among them are access to training and empelo Guide "Get a life" UGT Castilla y León.
Like its predecessor, this blog has many links that provide resources and information on Tutorial Action, Focus on Diversity and Acdémica and Vocational Guidance.
Blog dedicated to the Attention to Diversity. Talks
4 º orientation and 3 º ESO.
Techniques, study habits and methods. Among the many aspects involved (planning, habits, motivation, testing, environmental factors ...).
Guidance Department. Bartholomew J. IES Gallardo. Campanario
Action Centered Tutorial 1, 2 and 3 secondary. Blog
Zaframagón Olvera IES. There are sections of the DOR with programs for development of attention and memory, and online activities for the correction of errors for primary and secondary literacy.

Blog academic and vocational guidance counselor's IES Sea west of the Linea de la Concepcion . With multiple links and information on Schools, High Schools, FP, University ... In order to help students in their decision making process. Although this is a blog run by AMPA of this center, we find a link to an interesting guide academic and career guidance for parents.
academic program and vocational guidance for full That, activities of self-knowledge, decision making, socio-professional insertion, questionnaires for pupils and parents Guidance Council and models.

OD IES "United Aftasí" Badajoz:
Action Centered Tutorial High, we find multiple programs grouped by courses, development of social competence Manuel Segura, emotional self Ulysses Program, Social Skills Athena, bullying, emotional-sexual education ... sessions, tutoring, orientation, academic-and-work-4-eso.php
OAP sessions for 4 º ESO. Blog
FOL professor at the School of Art in Seville, with an update on academic and professional guidance. In this blog we can find information about self-employment, salaried employment, new careers ...
Blog dedicated to decision-making process, the academic and professional guidance.
Blog with brief information to learn how to study, improve reading speed and comprehension.

Title: "Blog academically oriented secondary"
Description: This blog has been developed, as the author mentioned, to facilitate the students the task of deciding future academic and professional at an early age. Therefore has a broad theme well developed and exemplified.

Title: "Guidance Department - IES Santa Eulalia"
Description: Within the broad range of areas covered can find documents, links ... maybe we of interest.

Title: "Learning difficulties and intervention psychology"
Description: This blog is mainly based on learning difficulties and intervention psychology, also has a wide range of psychological tests and batteries.

Title: "Orientablog"
Description: This blog is not interesting but has some study skills activities that perhaps we can use.

Title: "Educational Needs. Motor Disabilities "
Description: Designed this blog mainly to motor disability and some paragraphs more, but most of educational needs.

Title: "Search your way "
Description: This is mainly dedicated to the academic and professional, taking a job search animation perhaps, may be attractive for students.

Title: "role Spurs"
Description: Covers topics of tutorial action, attention to diversity and activities for psychology class.

Title: "ICT in Guidance and Professional Initiation"
Description: This is an interesting blog that deals with academic and work mainly created as a resource to work with the students the curriculum "Guidance and Professional Initiation"


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