Sunday, June 14, 2009

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SAFE NAVIGATION WITH FAMILIES . Page of college training and networking resources for teachers. School has a parent section divided into 6 sub-sections: 1) developmental stages 2) studies of children 3) Family room 4) the surrounding environment 5) Free time in the family 6) educational goals of parents. Each subsection consists of numerous articles.

Blog Jarque Jesus Garcia responds with its partners to parents' questions about education. Material sold on the subject. . Web online training courses for parents and educators . Full-page manual of nearly 400 parents of school with 11 subjects divided into 3 parts: parents and children, parents and school and parents and health. / padres.php . Has a resource section of parents with enough articles and information about childhood and adolescence. . It has a section on parent education topics addressing various issues in 22 innings that correspond to different current beta. . Quite a few articles sorted into categories on education, personality, sexuality, family, adolescence, learning ... . Website of the English Association of Primary Care Pediatrics . Family-oriented site with lots of links to topics related to education of children and adolescents, structured, linked sites, referral programs, family programs, family therapy, school parents and research studies and videos .

Http:// Page Education Project led by the noted philosopher Joseph A. Marina. Headlines and courses related to education of children. In the column to the left of the main theme is a browser and another option with the choice of topic that leads to various articles and content related to education children.


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