Sunday, June 14, 2009

New York Temporary Visitor Expired


1. Learning how to study the Junta de Castilla y León: 20Infinity/aplicaciones/aprender/default.htm
These an interactive page where the student can move the mouse and go through selecting a number of categories ranging from the study conditions specific techniques which appear tips, games and exercises.

2. Learning to Study Raul Martinez: Interactive Website where students can work the different techniques with practical exercises, applied to different subjects. Includes activities for parents-mothers and teachers.

3. Educational Resource Guide Network: Tips and practical suggestions on the study differentiated by subject.

4. Ana Robles Web, high school teacher in a secondary school in Lugo: # strategies
web page where you can find information on various types of learning styles and attitudes, how to select, organize and work with practical information and examples to work in the classroom based on these styles.

5. Education Department Government of Extremadura
Interactive Tutorial Action Plan for 1 º and 2 º ESO, where you can find interactive exercises reading schemes, memory, attention, underlining and notes.

6. http://www. /
page dedicated to learning and study skills, with self-assessment test memory, comprehension, speed reading tips and activities ....

7. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche: study habits and learning strategies. While aimed at college students, offers practical advice for the study of our students.

8. Learning to Learn from SM:
It offers a quick guide with simple rules and study decalogues to be considered in the study, while The following blocks Content: information collection and analysis, selection of information, communication of information and guidance to the study.

9. Blog Guide 2000.
We find many articles related to study skills and clear and simple instructions for a good performance.

10. Website for High School Students:
This website can find many links to the methodology of the study, place, materials table for a plan of study and work, techniques for analysis and synthesis of content, tips and techniques and tricks that include practical exercises on notes, charts, Working in a group ...

11. Creativity and Innovation Foundation Neuronilla:
This website is dedicated to creativity, creativity can find interactive games, to work the same with our students.

12. Digital Magazine Eureka:, com_frontpage / Itemid, 1/lang is
The Mexican portal for education. Encourage careers in science and encourage interest in science and research among young people.

13. Ministry of Education of the Junta de Extremadura: materials can be found working in the different subjects, of course.

14. Project Creativity and Learning Quadraquinta
This project is the digital version of part of the book work: "Techniques Study 1 of the Editorial Bruno. " In this link you can review, learn and practice different techniques of study and intellectual work that will help make more effective homework. It covers the techniques of notation, subrrayado, abstract and outline. Brunet

15.Textos adapted by Palacios (brunet, entertainment). Htm
Improving reading speed, comprehension reading, studying where and how the emphasis and diagrams, how to prepare and review, attention and concentration.

Wiki provides some useful tips to maximize your study time. Study presents the techniques being used, factors that may influence the study and online resources.

17. Arturo García Web Ramo (Teruel) interactive questionnaires and documents related to the study.

18. Visual Guidance
SL: company dedicated the development of audiovisual and computer materials applied to academic and vocational guidance. Improving performance using survey techniques.

19. DOR blog IES Santa Eulalia (Merida)
In this blog we can find several links to pages where you work the study techniques, some of them already mentioned above, and links to videos of the same subject.

addition to information connected, are case study techniques and learning strategies for adapting them to focus on diversity, guidance for parents, regarding basic skills, as well as news and innovative experiences in this regard.

21. Carles Dorado Web Perea (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) ~ cdorado/cdora1/esp/index.htm strategies and techniques on how to learn.

22. Web on study skills Psychology Cabinet Rosa Serrate
found attention test, memory, performance in the studio ...

23. Games for the brain Entertaining
page with games to develop memory and concentration, can be complementary to the exercises in the course of study skills . The site is in Castilian and among the games best suited for our subjects suggest "Masterpieces", "Dragger Puzzle," "The Brain" or "Mastercard.

24. 2007/05/tecnicas-de-estudio-un-relax.html
This blog find a course on "How to study effectively to the Centre of Applied Psychology. Universidad Miguel Hernández.

Interactive exercises in reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, language, cc. Natural ... both Primary and Secondary.

26. Signpost Blog
Blog created by two professors from Andújar, where we can find within the category of learning to learn, a program full study skills.

27. Junior Secondary Education Portal
This portal leads to a page on techniques, study habits and methods. Among the many aspects involved (planning, habits, motivation, testing, environmental factors ...) selected
EPL2R (explore, question, read, recite). This is an American study technique (SQ3R-survey, question, read, recite, rewiev) focused on a method of reading comprehension. From this page you can access a forum on study skills .

28. IES Blog Tutorial Navalcarnero Zurbarán de la Mata Cáceres
Planning a study session.

29. Study skills. Cabinet of Psychology and Pedagogy of Rosa Serrate of Zaragoza.


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