Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ml-2 Metal Core Schematics

Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France

Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France!

Posted by ait

on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 20:03.

The International Secretariat of the French CNT-AIT (

) reports to the Sections and Friends of the International Workers Association (AIT) in a couple of brief reports on events in France.

The first report wrote: Militants of the CNT-AIT-F from places like Caen, Gap, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Pau, Clermont-Ferrand, Paris and others are promoting the popular assemblies and in some places and are called Autonomous Peoples Assembly. "

And a week before the big events scheduled for tomorrow Thursday, October 28, said:
Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France!
Solidarity with CNT-AIT French!

Oslo, October 27, 2010 Greetings anarcho

the Secretariat of the AIT

Extracted from:


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