Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fell Elbow Swelled Up

concentration at the embassy Argentina.

Cróncia concentration at the Embassy of Argentina in Madrid Wed, 27/10/2010 - 10:45 - CNTsov-madrid

was killed last Wednesday in Argentina Mariano Ferreyra. I pulled the trigger one of the many mercenaries who are funded by the political authorities in this country, which do not want people to fight for our rights, we fight for improvements in our jobs and our lives, we leave to streets to defend our freedom. Above all crave fear, our fear, he seizes us and immobilize us. Thus the group that was going to cut expecting another tract, a gang association, hired goons. And so to the latter's guarding the police. And so, when the murderers Mariano shoot and kill the pigs guards look the other way, were the companions who stopped an ambulance that was passing by and went to the wounded.

Since I heard about the killing of Mariano can not stop thinking about the fact. I wonder to what extent can the devaluation of our lives. I wonder to what extent we are able to do so, what to taro rrirnos for us to realize that I can be me tomorrow Mariano, or you can be you.
between sadness and anger in my chest again the question: what has to happen for us to realize that tomorrow I can be myself Mariano, or you can be you? Where are the people, those who are able to take the place of another? Where is the solidarity, mutual support that is so necessary at this very hard? Why were not present?
Life is the only thing we can really say that we own. Of our lives. And when his snatch a person, in this case as combative, we should not stay at home, we would have to go out, our room, yelling that we condemn this atrocious violence, to the desire to silence we will take the floor. Our words yesterday afternoon were for you, Marian, for your hard struggle, because you do not forget or forget you. Because, as you know that the struggle is the only path to our freedom and every step we take here will be with us.


To understand a bit more: 10-24.html ...


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