Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ml-2 Metal Core Schematics

Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France

Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France!

Posted by ait

on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 20:03.

The International Secretariat of the French CNT-AIT (

) reports to the Sections and Friends of the International Workers Association (AIT) in a couple of brief reports on events in France.

The first report wrote: Militants of the CNT-AIT-F from places like Caen, Gap, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Pau, Clermont-Ferrand, Paris and others are promoting the popular assemblies and in some places and are called Autonomous Peoples Assembly. "

And a week before the big events scheduled for tomorrow Thursday, October 28, said:
Solidarity with the actions and demonstrations in France!
Solidarity with CNT-AIT French!

Oslo, October 27, 2010 Greetings anarcho

the Secretariat of the AIT

Extracted from:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Plans For Carvers Bench

1 Nov. Trick or Treat? Chronicle

their contracts, their jokes ..; frighten us away from our disgust.

November 1. "Party or praise? .. Not the patio pa 'party.

Fell Elbow Swelled Up

concentration at the embassy Argentina.

Cróncia concentration at the Embassy of Argentina in Madrid
Wed, 27/10/2010 - 10:45 - CNTsov-madrid

was killed last Wednesday in Argentina Mariano Ferreyra. I pulled the trigger one of the many mercenaries who are funded by the political authorities in this country, which do not want people to fight for our rights, we fight for improvements in our jobs and our lives, we leave to streets to defend our freedom. Above all crave fear, our fear, he seizes us and immobilize us. Thus the group that was going to cut expecting another tract, a gang association, hired goons. And so to the latter's guarding the police. And so, when the murderers Mariano shoot and kill the pigs guards look the other way, were the companions who stopped an ambulance that was passing by and went to the wounded.

Since I heard about the killing of Mariano can not stop thinking about the fact. I wonder to what extent can the devaluation of our lives. I wonder to what extent we are able to do so, what to taro rrirnos for us to realize that I can be me tomorrow Mariano, or you can be you.
between sadness and anger in my chest again the question: what has to happen for us to realize that tomorrow I can be myself Mariano, or you can be you? Where are the people, those who are able to take the place of another? Where is the solidarity, mutual support that is so necessary at this very hard? Why were not present?
Life is the only thing we can really say that we own. Of our lives. And when his snatch a person, in this case as combative, we should not stay at home, we would have to go out, our room, yelling that we condemn this atrocious violence, to the desire to silence we will take the floor. Our words yesterday afternoon were for you, Marian, for your hard struggle, because you do not forget or forget you. Because, as you know that the struggle is the only path to our freedom and every step we take here will be with us.


To understand a bit more: 10-24.html ...

What Pokemon Would Look Like With Genitals'

[Italy] Antimilitarism

[Italy] Antimilitarista throw red paint during the conference at the University of Trento, on "peacekeeping missions "
Fri, 29/10/2010 - 15:35 - Anonim @
antiwar demonstrators staged a protest this Thursday (day 28) against the war in the Faculty of Sociology of Trento, at a conference on "peacekeeping" developed by the UN. Five hooded entered the place of the act and threw red paint and smoke bombs to the speakers who led the meeting, teachers and

carabinieris (Italian military police). There was confusion and a police officer managed to arrest one of the protesters, the others fled shouting "murderers."
The group left on the premises a pamphlet entitled "Murderers, you are responsible for wars."

Conferenciante cubierto de pintura Extracted Alasbarricadas Anarchist Forum.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Reduce Bilrubin Level

introduction to anarchism (SIXTH SESSION)

Taking up the last two sessions, HERE THE NEXT.

WORKSHOP introduction to anarchism


I. - Presentation Workshop.

II .- Anarchy and Anarchism.

II .- The authority and freedom from an anarchist perspective.

IV .- God and the State from an anarchist perspective.

V. - Proposals and Practice of the Anarchism (I).

VI .- Anarchism Proposals and Practice (II).

-DIRECT ACTION-Anticapitalist

VII .- present and future perspectives of anarchism

Sixth Session: "Anarchism Proposals and Practice (II)."

Date: Wednesday, 20 October.

Time: 3:00 pm

Held Aula 16 (third floor), Faculty of Social Sciences - UNMSM

Organizers: Social Studies Anarchist Group - GAES


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sew Ins In Memphis, Tn

FORUMS: "All Power to the Soviets!". For a critical analysis of the Russian Revolution


"All Power to the Soviets!"
For a critical analysis of the Russian Revolution

"Balance and lessons of anarchism in the Russian Revolution."
Franz García - Libertarian Socialist Union (USL - Lima)

"The Anarchism in the Russian Revolution. "Redi
Yurihuaman - Libertarian Socialist Union (USL - Huancayo)

" Lessons of the Russian Revolution. "
José Rojas - Clarification Communist Party ( GEC)

"proletarian dictatorship or state capitalism?".
Efrain Huamanchahua - Anarchist Group of Social Studies (GAES)

Friday 15 October.

3:00 pm


Aula 25 - Faculty of social sciences UNMSM

Organizers: Anarchist Group of Social Studies (GAES).



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Roller Door Mechanism

An anonymous person sent us this sonnet for publication. We thank you for this gift. By clicking on image to enlarge.