Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Get Dog Hair Off Of A Northface

lecture on Anarchism (Fourth Session)

; lecture on Anarchism


I. - Presentation of the workshop.

II .- Anarchy and Anarchism.

II .- The authority and freedom from an anarchist perspective.

IV .- God and the State from an anarchist perspective.

V. - Proposals and Practice of the Anarchism (I).

VI .- Anarchism Proposals and Practice (II).

VII .- present and future perspectives of anarchism

Fourth Session: "God and the State from an anarchist perspective."

Date: Wednesday, 22 September.

Time: 3:00 pm

Held Aula 16 (third floor), Faculty of Social Sciences - UNMSM

Organizers: Social Studies Anarchist Group - GAES



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