Thursday, September 2, 2010

Englishbulldog Has Phlem

begin a new series of workshops in Holon. We will begin September 18 at 17h.

For all those people who are interested in joining this small family, you can contact us via the following email:

First workshop of the season:

Reincarnation, the cycle of becoming and the mysteries of life and death

Workshop which will be discussed from the point of view of Eastern and Western spiritual tradition, the following topics:

- The cycle of becoming.
- The laws of evolution, devolution, revolution and transvolution.
- Samsha Wheel.
- The karma, positive and negative and the Dharma.
- Reincarnation, return and recurrence.

to bring:
  • material to take notes
  • comfortable clothing and socks
  • Some food to share

Date: Day 18 September 2010
Hours: 17h-20h
Held Alforja (Tarragona)

teaches this workshop Angeles Soto

Confirm before September 15


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