Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Replace Pressure Cooker Valve Indian


Passengers The band was born when the brothers Hernán and Leonardo Rua joined by Roland Higuita and make a presentation at a "Night of Masks" in the town of Itagui in June 1991. The name he chose improvised that night, chose PASSENGERS for them is very significant. That night performed six songs of which two were typical.

taste for music that accompanies them as children hmotivó experiential learning and learning from other musicians experience the various instruments were able to give their work a touch of personal identity. The result of all this a new musical genre framed within The New Latin American Song: SONG OF MOTION as defined by themselves.

In 1993 George joined the group who makes important Saldarriaga contributions in the implementation of the winds and the Andean charango. Later leave the group to seek new horizons.

in 1994 after three years of performances and after much work and effort saved "CONQUEST AND FOOTPRINT" . in a very traditional this first cassette is low profile in the technology but big on the emotional aspect. Not just for the sake of being a musical production of Andean roots but by the immense social content and that is why we achieved a great public acceptance, captivating songs like: Parcero, The Patecabra, Tu Partida, Reflections between other topics.

With his hands start production in large invitations. In April 1994, participating in the Social Song Festival in the city of Manizales. Then in October the same year are presented in Medellin in the framework of the festival "a paper boat to Cuba." Then travel to the department of Cauca Paez community in September 1994. This trip would mark an indelible mark on the cultural conception of the group by the experiences he had there and would lead to the creation of new songs.

In June 1995, at the theater at the University of Medellín participate in the Inter Departmental Festival University where he achieved the first place. In August Quibdó travel-Chocó-Regional Congress Embera-Wounanan and October involved in the National Inter University Festival in Cali where they reach third. In September 1996 Quibdó travel back to the Fiestas de San Pacho. And in October the same year they released their second musical.

"CITY LIVING" is the name of the second passenger group's musical work that brings eleven new tracks and takes Live City earlier work and that is precisely what gives its name to the new production. Topics such as: Oscar, and Mora forces or hope, we women, vital Canto, Celebration of flowers, Mother, friend, companion , as well El Aparecido Victor Jara and what kind of Piero make it work excellent musical and social content, which quickly begins to like the public.

After releasing his second musical production Passengers are presented in the Festival University in Manila in November 1996 and in that month traveling to the municipality of El Carmen de Viboral to the Conference for Human Rights. Then in January 1997 Carmen de Atrato traveling to the Feast of the Kings travel in April Bucaramanga to the National Working Groups and 22 July of that year leave the XXII World Festival of Youth and Students in Cuba.

On his return from Cuba travel Quibdó the Concert for Peace at the end of August. Make presentations in the municipalities of Caldas, Itagüí, Rionegro, La Ceja, El Carmen de Viboral and the city of Pereira. Of the many presentations that have take four years to produce their third musical. With the arrival of the new millennium comes to the public " YET TO CENTURY" the third passenger group's musical production.

cultural heritage and music collection through nine years is reflected in his new job. Entering the era of modern formats, through a CD in which include nine new songs and pick your part, and Zas Mora and La Esperanza and Reflections of its previous productions, to the delight of all those accomplices who have always supported. Among the new items are: Winds -Song Puracé they created in homage to the Paez community for the trip made in 1994 the department of Cauca, also in this production: Lalinde, A fin de siecle, I, Del poet to his beloved Companion, Also songs by other authors as I ran the Creation song, songs that show the musical development of Passengers and reaffirming the social feeling and Andean folk culture as a key part in this concept of PROPOSAL SONG.

parallel with the development of his musical work, Passengers also develop social and community work to promote Latin American identity through art and culture Etant making presentations on the street corners, in neighborhood and community celebrations as in large tables. They also promote the love of music and create a breeding ground where children from the poorest neighborhoods of the city learning to play their instruments.

In October 2001 members of passengers make a "Tribute to the Artists Bellanita" and in this presentation relate to a large number of artists in the municipality of Bello. In December 2001, the group toured 40 days by the English territory with more than 25 concerts in different cities of the provinces of Aragon, Navarra, La Rioja, Basque Country and in capital cities Madrid and Bilbao.

On his return from Spain, put forward a new project is to link artists to the group and that is how come in the musical David Zapata on bass, formerly of the group Quitasol Cumbe and when he received the invitation was part of group-Yala Abya , and Armando Montoya battery which comes from the group Because of Blues who started alongside PASSENGERS.

With this new project aims to record new songs and giving a dye jovial old and modern music. His songs are hymns to love, life, liberty, the people, cities, neighborhoods, children, women, friendship, work, in short, all social issues, always inspired by the environment in which they live and taking up all this for their musical productions.

In October 2003, released to the public the result of the announcement made two years ago. "INTERIOR WITH EMOTION" and called the last album Passengers Musical Group, now as CLASS PASSENGERS. Are part of this work topics such as: Inventory Poetry is a weapon loaded with future culinary freedom Letter, The World is a chalkboard, Song of spite, and repeat topics Parcero, Work, and Power The Patecabra sing its first production. Other topics known authors as Only love, because I sing, Décimas Jose Antonio Echeverria, Cambalache and American Heart, for a total of fourteen subjects. This new work is deeply rooted musical expression with influences from Latin American Andean rhythms and elements of jazz, rock, blues, emphasizing especially the work of creation, both musical and literary.

Traveling activation scenarios and solidarity with social movements in Colombia and abroad for eight months succeeded in promoting his latest musical.

be welcomed the convening of the Command Unit of Antioquia and the subcommittee CUT, the band gave a concert Passengers central to the town of Copacabana on June 12, 2004, together with other artistic expressions backers movement against the "toll" and stroke recovery. About nine at night and after completing work on the scene is a command of CEAT (Special Anti-Terrorist Command), arbitrarily depriving passengers of their liberty Hernán, Roland and Leonardo were arrested without warrant present captured and accused of terrorism and rebellion.

Six months later, were released to demonstrate the assembly created by the prosecution, the body Elite Specialized Police and paramilitary forces to silence them. In December 2004, returned to the public stage, but four months later in April 2005 have to leave the country because of threats against their lives .

currently remain in exile in Europe, from where they continue inpulse freedom of expression and Proposal Song, recorded in 2006 his most recent work Flight Log that containing compositions made during the imprisonment and exile .


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