Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Allure Flooring No Wax

Even without being, you are still, inchando hearts, peaking freedoms, planting song, pariendonos ...

Any tribute would fall short compared to the great cultural contribution, social, political and human that has meaning for many generations of women and men the work of Mario Benedetti, and therefore no greater tribute than this always lead to every step, every heartbeat ....


against extrajudicial executions * Y ** FOR HUMANITARIAN AGREEMENTS IN COLOMBIA *

that victims do not stop

In Colombia, the Colombian army killed civilians, usually peasants or youth sectors popular that luegouniforman guerrillas in order to display them as low ladenominada "fight against terrorism." This strategy known as "false positives", was officially recognized when 19 jóvenesdesaparecidos in a neighborhood of Bogota were found in mass commonscenes remote rural areas in September 2008. However, estapráctica is not recent. Organizations like the Coordination of DerechosHumanos Colombia Europe United States denounced morethan 1,400 cases under democráticaimplementada security policy by the government of Alvaro Uribe since 2002. The "falsospositivos" recognized in international law as they EJECUCIONESEXTRAJUDICIALES colombiana.Los part of reality to this day we invite the victims of false positives requiring Ykey quickly on investigations, sanctions losresponsables copies of these actions and to repeal the directivasministeriales that make the national army soldiers hired ensicarios willing to kill innocent presentarloscomo guerrillas killed and so claim money, days off, and all sorts of perks and benefits. Positivossiguen false cases on the rise and the authorities are unwilling to carry out due investigaciones.Queremos March 6 to launch a cry of ...


* NEVER * PERFORMANCES Extrajudicial,


* NEVER * mass graves


* NEVER * impunity.

Movement victims of state crimes. MOVICE

Colombia Solidarity Association "Assoc" Katie "Justice for Colombia Platform



Village large tiny people.

Far from stirring the sap in the stalks of the cornfield, an order of iron crosses the casino lobby neat, route between deception and drowning.

Far from the holy waters of the earth a bizarre six-figure perfume, involves the path that leads to a bounty of sixty, liquor greed blossom lead.

Nothing to cry about them from seed. Nothing brings them closer to the beauty of the river singing. Gone are and just want to take them and perverts. They pose in their fierce claws and tear sick pit to sell their blood.

peace Far from machine governed their greedy efforts, resulting in hatred the tears of the poor, understand Powder if you talk about clemency, nothing about the horror of a child at the time of broken off, nothing broken about the mother, her martyred flower shortage.

just wants to wipe out his cry of pride, kill the pain that hurts deep, forever clear to relief and tie as a gag remains.

But we are here to say, we are here today to name:

no silence, no eternal pain;

that truth is stubborn and sticks germinated;

no loneliness where have voices

will always be story to tell;

that dignity is strong and simple as a tree

the stones and the hands are memory;

no there or here for this song;

that there is a large town of tiny people who grow up with ardor for his claim,

and your claim is a debt of justice, a debt to pay only human love.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

John Deere Leaf Blower


"Think from the pain of the victims
produces an ethical revolution"

Against Impunity in a 2009 Justice and Dignity.

From what we were and are to be exiled

Final Declaration of the First Meeting of the Movement of Victims of State Crimes Colombian chapter Spain

us and we are victims of the crimes of the Colombian state, and we have been forced into exile as the only way to avoid the real threat of seeing violated our fundamental rights to life and physical integrity, liberty and justice. Keep the flame of memory alive. 12% of the Colombian population now live in the diaspora, and over 500 thousand people are political exiles. This criminal practice has meant a substantial weakening of the tissue organization and constitutes an immense damage to the whole society.

The Colombian state insists on the denial of the existence of armed conflict that lasts for more than half a century. His economic proposals and policies, democratic security, legalization of paramilitary groups, the deinstitutionalization of the country and the consolidation of neoliberal economic model, day by day further deteriorated living conditions of the population. 50,000 disappeared, more than 170,000 executed, 7,000 political prisoners, the systematic use of torture, more than 4'000 .000 IDPs, are figures that lay bare the Colombian reality.

The English State has committed policy to support the Colombian government, putting economic interests of transnational human rights of Colombians. Is committed to signing the FTA with the European Union treaty that will deepen the current situation of impoverishment and primarily affect the rights of indigenous peoples, Afro-Colombians, peasants, women and children, to ensure the destruction of economic base, the private monopoly of services and the extraction of natural resources. In addition, the government of Spain intensifies the curtailment of the right of asylum and refugee status through legislative reforms.

In this context we recognize ourselves as members of the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes, by our actions as MOVICE IN THE SPANISH STATE. We recognize that this grand coalition embodies the aspirations for justice and dignity of Colombians. We confirm our commitment to further strengthen the policy space and exiled. We assume the eight strategies of the Movement against Impunity. In this sense, our exile situation leads us to ninth strategy: the quest for fulfillment of our rights and truth, justice and reparation, to overcome this particular form of State crime. Our goal is to return with dignity.

urge the English government not to let it accords with the massive and systematic violations of human rights in Colombia, because it requires the Colombian state compliance with UN recommendations. We demand that the Colombian government the real dismantling of paramilitary structures, which would audit the course resources for the demobilization process and the call is finished military cooperation. We are not against equitable economic relations between states. But we believe that under current conditions is not possible to sign the FTA between Europe and Colombia.

the Colombian state demand the immediate release of comrade Agamez, Technical Secretary of MOVICE Chapter Sucre, unjustly detained in a Colombian jail. Also to stop the criminal prosecution against those who defend human rights in Colombia.

We sympathize with the people and organizations struggling to establish the memory and dignity of victims in the English state.

support the struggle of the Saharawi people to cease the occupation of its territory, and we sympathize with Haidar activist.



Madrid, November 30, 2009


"Beware, beware brother, the system is shaking ... everyone is a suspect and no one is spared ..."( Song)

The systematic application of the vilest methods to silence the voice of the voiceless visible has been the strategy of "democratic security", headed by Mr Uribe. The facts reported below are only the continuation of the rabble, the primary constituent has endured since its inception. We've been announcing and denouncing loudly, and this is also with you, do not expect to knock on your door asking for you or yours, the action is now! Human Rights Now!


National Movement of Victims of State Crimes
Seed Collective Human Rights of Freedom

The Seed Collective Human Rights of Freedom - CODEHSEL - and the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes, Chapter Antioquia, complaint with the national and international public opinion the unjust detention of human rights defender WINSTON GALLEGO PAMPLONA, Foundation member of the organization Sumapaz occurred yesterday, 10 June 2009.

- Read the full report by clicking on the link or call subrrallada-

We demand the immediate release of Professor Miguel Angel Beltran Villegas, the Colombian sociologist extradition (outside the law) of Mexico and imprisoned in Colombia .

(Please send the membership of libertadencolombia@gmail.com ,
indicating name, rank or position, institution and country).

See the full notes at:

http://lutohumano.blogspot. Com/2009/05/deportan-sin- foundation-docente.html

Threats at the University of Antioquia

Monday March 9, 2009.

release to the public.

The Friday March 6 after he returned from the mobilization against extrajudicial executions, arrived in the mail from different our University Student Office, and members of the Committee of Spokesmen (space created by the General Assembly of Students UdeA) a pamphlet where a paramilitary group called "BLOCK OF SELF-DEFENSE ANTIOQUEÑO" death threat to members of Students Office, the Committee spokesmen, with a list of names of 30 students, giving them a week to disappear from the university or they are going to "disappear."

"Coincidentally" This comes a day after he was General Student Assembly, convened to discuss the issue of electing the new president of our alma mater and where he was cited for a further meeting on 18 March to address the topic the presence of the Inter-American Development Bank later this month in Medellin, Colombia and its implications.

This situation creates concern when we learned that in the last 9 months there have been several raids by the security forces or "unofficial income" as the administration called our university, student at different venues, especially the Engineering Student Office, located in the 18-133 block, which is the first office in the list of supposedly going to disappear.

Because of this, denounce to the national and international community that this is part of a systematic violation of human rights, a practice that in our country has not disappeared and instead day day as a way to quell widespread forms of thought and action than the current Colombian regime, and that in the past two years has been determined to destroy the student movement within the UdeA, creating an atmosphere of terror against members of our university.

responsible the Colombian State, security agencies, and the directives of the University of Antioquia for any act that puts at risk the lives and physical and psychological integrity of each student University, especially those that are included in the above list, and invite the various agencies National and International Human Rights to speak out against the Colombian state and to require that a definitive end to paramilitary structures work in our country, and drop once and for all state terrorism as a natural practice for a silent expression of defiance of the popular movement, as well as against university policies requiring commit to provide guarantees for the exercise of democracy within the alma mater.

invite the wider community not to abandon the students of the University of Antioquia, students surround their peers, to directives to provide the guarantees necessary for the normal development of our academic activities and generate the necessary mechanisms to safeguard the integrity, if at any moment is at risk life of any student, yes it clear at the outset that we reject the militarization of university life as a valid mechanism for this, for this country that if democracy truly exists, this would not necessarily occur.



journalist Hollman Morris was arrested, the February 2, members of the army in the village Peneya Union, between the municipalities of Cartagena del Chaira Paujil and in the Amazonian department of Caqueta, in southwestern Colombia.

Teresita Sgt Tabares, the Human Rights Directorate of the National Police confirmed the arrest of Morris, by the army, the Solidarity Center of the International Federation of Journalists, CESO-FIP. The army requested the presence of the judicial police to examine a material which carried the reporter.

Diana Izquierdo official of the Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of Interior and Justice, likewise confirmed the arrest of Director of TV Contravía to CESO-IFJ and the Colombian Foreign Ministry said it was aware of the fact. Meanwhile, the Solidarity Center brought the case to the Coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of the Senate of the Republic and Diana Botero, an official of the Presidential Program for Human Rights.

After six hours of detention, the journalist was released. According to Secretary of Government of Caquetá, the military assigned to the Brigade XII Army, performed a procedure to verify the identity of the journalist.

"It is worrying the government harassment against the journalist Hollman Morris. Regardless of what he was covering, the Constitution guarantees the free movement of journalists and the sanctity of its information material, "said Eduardo Márquez, director of CESO-IFJ and President of the Colombian Federation of Journalists, FECOLPER. The union leader referred to Article 73 of the Constitution which guarantees the protection of journalistic activity, freedom and independence professional, and warned of the violation of the right to freedom of information enshrined in Article 20.

Read more http://fipcolombia.com/noticiasVer.php

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MAY 29, 2010 21: 00

June 5, 2010 19:00

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Operation Lead unpunished
an article by Eduardo Galeano

It appears that the carnage in Gaza, which according to its authors want to stop terrorists managed to multiply. Since 1948, Palestinians are condemned to perpetual humiliation. They can not breathe without permission.

have lost their homeland, their land, their water, their freedom, everything. Do not even have the right to choose their rulers.

When voting who should not vote, they are punished. Gaza is being punished. It became a trap without exit cleanly since Hamas won elections in 2006. Something similar had occurred in 1932 when the Communist Party won the elections in El Salvador.

Bathed in blood, Salvadorans expiated their misconduct and then lived under military dictatorships. Democracy is a luxury that not everyone deserves.

impotence are the children of homemade rockets that Hamas militants, holed up in Gaza, firing with chambon aim on land that had been Palestinian and the Israeli occupation usurped. And despair, on the edge of suicidal folly, is the mother of the bravado that deny the right of existence of Israel, cries without any effective, very effective while the war of extermination being denied, for years, right the existence of Palestine. Since little is
Palestine. Step by step, Israel's being erased from the map.

settlers invade, and behind them the soldiers are correcting the border. The bullets consecrate the spoils, in self defense. No war

not say be aggressive defensive war. Hitler invaded Poland to prevent Germany invaded Poland.

Bush invaded Iraq to prevent Iraq invaded the world. In each of his defensive wars, Israel has swallowed another piece of Palestine, and lunch follow. Devouring justified by the title given to the Bible, for two thousand years of persecution that the Jewish people suffered and panic generated by the Palestinians on the prowl.

Israel is the country that never meets the recommendations or resolutions of the United Nations, who never comply with the decisions of international tribunals, which mocks international law, and is also the only country that has legalized torture prisoners.

Who gave him the right to deny all right? Where does the impunity with which Israel is running the killing of Gaza? The English government could not have been bombed with impunity to end Basque ETA, or the British government could wipe out Ireland to finish off the anger. Did

the tragedy of the Holocaust implies a policy of perpetual impunity? Or that green light comes from the boss who has power in Israel's staunchest of his subjects?

The Israeli army, the most modern and sophisticated in the world, know who to kill. It does not kill by mistake. Horror kills. Civilian casualties are called collateral damage, according to the dictionary from other imperial wars.

In Gaza, collateral damage of ten, three are children. And join thousands of amputees, victims of human dismemberment technology that the military industry is being tested successfully in the operation of ethnic cleansing.

And as always, always the same: in Gaza, one hundred to one. For every hundred Palestinians killed an Israeli. People

dangerous, warns the other bombing, in charge of handling the media, inviting us to believe that one Israeli life is worth as much as a hundred Palestinian lives. And the media also invite us to believe that they are humanitarian two hundred atomic bombs Israel, and called Iran a nuclear power was the one that annihilated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

international community's call, is there?
Is it something more than a club of merchants, bankers and warriors? Is it something more than the U.S. stage name gets when you play? Before

the tragedy of Gaza, the world's hypocrisy shines again. As always, the indifference, empty speeches, statements hollow-sounding declamations, ambiguous positions pay tribute to the sacred impunity.

Given the tragedy in Gaza, the Arab countries wash their hands. As always. And as always, European countries are rubbing their hands.

Old Europe, as capable of beauty and perversity, shed the odd tear, while secretly welcomes this move teacher. Because the slaughter of Jews was always a European custom, but for half a century that historical debt is being collected for the Palestinians, which also Semites and never were, or are anti-Semites.

They are paying in blood of the realm, an employee.

Eduardo Galeano Montevideo, January 17, 2009

(This article is dedicated to my Jewish friends killed by Israel advised Latin American dictatorships)

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Light Dam

There is a threshold up
after each cage

abysmal beyond the darkened air
by tight walls

Distant is arrested
body wrapped like embryo sad
by a cloak of shadow

To the world
his voice is a roof crumpled to the floor

HOWEVER every so fierce it tuned dreams of the future next
and the cold tile cell becomes
flower honey word

A breath enough to free

Roland Higuita.

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The Proposal Song ...

R epresenta, not only the formulation of an alternative way for the collective development of musical pieces, but also a reflection of what is considered to be an attitude of the artist's ethical commitment to the environment and everyday reality.

it aims to highlight the creative capacity of human beings and convene the stimulus of development and strive for the definition of a style through which the song can be experimentally approach the formulation of a popular musical art proposal, promoting the recognition of people's cultural memory.

The proposal seeks to fill Song as an invitation to men and women of common life that make a commitment to seeking a fairer society for a truly national project, recognizer of the immense wealth that represents the cultural diversity that has given the history of our continent.

The song proposal is supported from the building itself, inspired by those things and acts that take place in the life that we are foreign.

A song that reflects the proposed vital to enable reflection on what happens to not be forgotten.

Music Creation and composition that rescue our identity as human beings and our conscience .

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Author Words and Music: Rua Leonardo.

I'll pick things
one day wanted to leave behind those

told me that the people were singing criminal
I'm picking up my dreams
me my old guitar kind of love
the hope of my people
that despite no longer walk exile
that neighborhood street,
good friends of freedom
those who trusted never
a singer's voice could put

chorus Here I am never I went here and here
I am and will be the one I was
my song, tell you what I experienced sleep
a new dawn in my country I accumulated

hugs of encouragement notes , vitality that made

keep your eyes open to reality
silence the fears, the prayers, the cruel loneliness

collect the hope of a people social justice claims
Coro (bis)
I'll pick ....( bis)

Words and Music Author: Roland Higuita.
Thrown into a strange land border
wounded country with bitter indecent
will love living banished far, exile voracious
account deadliest time
banished far, exile voracious
geography is absurd
and die every foot away from going vaccinate Amos
living away exile exiled voracious
Cuena bloody time
Banished far, exile voracious

Days without drinking water,
unspeakable thirst stirred tea
want to return, you must return
return from exile to the country
true if your question become shadows
and condemn your ideas
be luchaç you love living dest .....( bis)

Author Words and Music: Leonardo Rúa.Mirame,
I'm not the shadow of your body, the skin I'm not
the footprint of the road, I'm standing
'm coming, not that happens, look at me

Listen, I'm not
echo, I cry, I am the voice
laborer am the guitar, the song
the voice of an enraged people, I'm singing

I'm sur
gunned medellín
a displaced Colombia
am also am one of the identified
am that

southern white death megaproject
I'm running for a bullet discidente
I am the one that is not delivered, or sold

Send Author: Miguel Hernandez Music: Roland Higuita

On the battlefields extend
injured and bodies that extension of
fighters jump jets a wheat field, extended hot
in husky voices .....

Words and Music Author: Roland Higuita.
ally who calls you on behalf d ela
trap makes you a member of the perversity
who confuses your faith with those advertising
parabola of an obedient who thinks

Author Words and Music: Leonardo Rua.
Under your skin, is freedom
naked under your skin there is no doubt humanity
sun a heart, a mad passion
under your skin, is the clarity
the Promised Land lyrics
prohibited under your skin

Words and Music Author: Roland Higuita.
tyrant Take my hair, my voice can never
specks take my hair I am not Samson
my ideas are born in the heart (bis)

ERES TU Lyrics and Music Author: Leonardo Rua.
as a night in the cornfield in the morning
like rain in the morning playing
like a flower in the decrepitude of dawn
Bsiso as not
respects calm that swirls hojarrascas in my soul
as love is muted in the eyes Chorus

So are you So is you, restless
and crazy, dangerous as the sea
So are you, and you're
hguera as a beautiful and fierce, ageless
who you could reach
Words and Music Copyright Roland Higuita. Birth
wide door, flower, root
not leave the tree planting
happy honey
who walks a survivor many times other times

Author Words and Music: Leonardo Rua Roland Higuita.
say I'm a terrorist and may
be right gives the song terror, fascist governments
honors wives, the anger that contains
me know that the people I have to sing the chorus
care brother
care system is shaking
everyone is suspect and no one
and no one is spared
Care Cidado
brother bought, sold souls culquiera you
conmentiras points for a counterfeit coin

Words and Music Author: Roland Higuita. Abundant
always in your harvest I will be under tremendous storm
the obstinacy of a root that gave steps until the water was thirsty deonde

Author Words and Music: Leonardo Rua.

The country is a station where the train no longer comes
because the wind erased the memory of his lane
the homeland is a station on nights without moon or stars
crying time outside and that time was not reached

Choir Patria is no flag, no concrete walls
rainbow dreams is breaking down borders
the boundaries of nations and in your heart

My homeland is the friends, the embrace, the song
your eyes full of people and a heart like the sun
The country is looking love is without rancor
on earth are my feet my country free resources
voice I come from all parties and to odes I
parts pa mi no borders ...
Everywhere I go, I carry my song my song
born of

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FLIGHT LOG " Albun recorded in Spain, in 2006, contains songs that reflect the difficult days of persecution, imprisonment and exile.



Under your skin


"ConEmoción Interior , was recorded in 2003 in Medellin. This albun carrying the subname of "In Class" , marks a step forward in sound esperimentación within the proposed passenger.

1.Porquè sing? / 2.inventario/3.La poetry is a futuro/4.labores/5.Carta loaded gun to libertad/6.Sòlo the culinary world is a pizarrón/8.Cambalache/9.Corazón amor/7.El americano/10.Parcero/11.Canción of spite / Jose antonio echeverría/14.Poder 12.Patecabra/13.Décimas sing.


The world is a board

culinary Freedom Charter

YET CENTURY TO -2001. This album represents for us the consolidation of Song Proposal and the survival of the project. 1.A

siglo/2.Del poet to his I ended up canción/6.Tu amada/3.Lalinde/4.Quiero/5.Se partida/7.La creación/8.Oración to life / 9.reflexiones


Your game

" CITY LIVING " 1998. The obstinacy and infatuation with the song capture leads to new creations and collections in this work.

1.Vive city / 2.Oscar/3.Fiesta of flores/4.El aparecido/5.Y esperanza/6.bonus zas_mora or track-live town / 7.Canto vital / 8. What generosa/9.Madre, friend, compañera/10.Vamos mujer/11.Poupurri southerner.

"CONQUEST AND FOOTPRINT" 1994. Bold, primary, but a dreamer, was the first work on tape, at a time when our project began to take flight. Add the first creations of passengers.

1.Reflexiones/2.Encuentros/3.Eres almost amor/4.Parcero/5.Tu partida/6.Poupurri I / 7Conquista and huella/8.Canto Universal./9.Labores/10.Poder amigos/12.La Cantar/11.Viejos patecabra/13.Vive City