Monday, January 3, 2011

Ortho Total Insect Killer

While freedom is dying .. Enough of repression

freedom and dignity are dying. These are times of oppression, riots and more oppression by the welfare state, which is raging like the working class starts to mobilize against the various reforms that this state proposes to overcome the crisis of capital that we are going through, which is impaired only be the working class.

While the rest of Europe, for example Greece, the working class is taking to the streets to protest the current situation, look puzzled and in Spain there is a minimum of conscience in a nonconformity in sight because of the measures being taking the English government nor is there a sense of solidarity and mutual support with other people who themselves are taking part in the fight for their rights.

For the bourgeois media (TV, radio, print it ...), just broadcast images of young container on fire and its subsequent unrest, hastening to cross these simple actions of vandalism, while the reality is quite different.
Little or nothing is known about the origin of these massive protests in Greece. They began by the murder of a fellow anarchist, Aléxis Grigoropoulos 15 years of age, who was killed by police in his country.
Does that death is comparable to the damage produced in the Greek cities? No, life is priceless, and less if death occurs after that a police officer like to shoot without his weapon. We call this criminal act.

protest the situation in Italy is in a different matter, but that is in the same backdrop, the state's desire for wanting to change at will every aspect of our lives, we refer to the educational reforms carried out by the minister Gelmini, who is planning such a cut of 8,000 million euros and the firing of teachers all over the Italian state.
But apparently, "Spain is different" and that updates are not part of the state as real savagery. Apparently leaving thousands of unemployed teachers are seen as proposals that must be confronted for the good of all.
However, the occupation of a school in protest is seen as a criminal act.

could go on clarifying each disturbance is happening in Europe or the rest of the world to stop in Spain, whose situation is not so different from that of Italy Bologna, procurement methods almost slavery, repression protests, social control ...
And all this I wonder: Is this what we call democracy? Is this what we call the welfare state?.

This text is for informational purposes, only we propose that the reader performs an act of reflection and think again about whether or not the anarchists are mere thugs who want to have fun with the destruction of ATMs and street furniture or actually our struggle has a palpable reason and just society.

At stake are our future and future generations.

Grouse Anarchist Group.


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