Thursday, May 5, 2011

Essential Tremor Blog



DAYS: 17, 18 and 19 JUNE

Contact: 650 631 708

Historically, humans have tried to discover its origin, what and why of their existence. There, in the depths of each being, a longing to know what your role in life.

Awakening is to realize the hypnotic sleep which finds itself most of humanity, and without an internal Working real hard you can achieve that state.

Awakening is only possible for those who seek him, who want and are not afraid to do so. For those who want to be free from slavery internal and external. For those who want to work on themselves. MEDICINE WHEEL

To start the search yourself, you must work all the emotional, physical, intellectual and energy. In the Medicine Wheel starts this path of self-discovery and understanding of ourselves and our social, family, emotional, universal, and so on., Learning new concepts and practices that facilitate the healing and integration of parts of our being to so we use all tools at our disposal from different disciplines. To understand our actions work with psychological techniques and applied to such actions do change through ancestral and ancient techniques from different corners of the earth.

To view the contents of the first path enters the link:

To see all content:
http://el-conocimiento-de-uno-mismo. /

Monday, April 25, 2011

Size Difference Between King And Super King


The following is the agenda for the month of May, from Holon Institute encourage you to participate in our activities.


  • Wednesdays allowances are made custom weight control. Call to arrange a visit. Naturopath : Marga Farró
  • Thursdays from 19h to 20.30 h, for an hour and a half go into the world of relaxation and guided meditations " Of Relaxation Meditation" Professor Rosa Maria Aránega.
  • Day 6 May 17h. 19h. Reiki 1st meeting. (Open House).
  • The Workshop of Dreams: Thursdays 12, 19 and 26 May 19h. 21h. Professor LA Soto.
  • Magnified Healing (1st phase): Dates: Friday, May 13 from 16h to 21h. Sunday 9am. to 14. and 16h. 21h. Professor Rosa Maria Aránega.
First Friday of every month: "Open Day" with free activities. Location: C / Prat de la Riba, 4 - Tarragona
This calendar is subject to change new activities that can add to existing ones.
For information: - 650 631 708

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Facebook Birthday Event Description



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Do I Know If I Have Scabies On Legs



One of those crazy short people, who throw stones at the moon dreaming of ever reaching one of those essential things that throw dazzling flashes of humanity to silence the voice resonate forever through its image, after going mate, dreams, challenges and joys of those who do we all need in these times, by this time ... we left!
homanaje A sense of your being! condolences to his family!
Go serene and peaceful! Pasajareando other directions.
Read more ...
Visit their actual reporting job in graphic

Friday, March 4, 2011

Can I Have A Bath After Waxing

TRAINING IN APRIL: The Path of Shamanism

Historically, humans have tried to discover its origin, what and why of their existence. There, in the depths of each being, a longing to know what your role in life.
There are certain people whom live seeking answers to those questions throughout his life, achievement after achievement, frustration after frustration. Many are left half way believing that their search has ended because they found something that is filling their lives momentarily. Other straight drop, reaching the conclusion that the search does not really make sense, that is a waste of time. In both cases, individuals living in illusion. And they live in the illusion because in many cases self has not "looked" really himself, lost in irrelevant details in relation to knowledge of self. This attitude will hardly awaken.
Awakening is to realize the hypnotic sleep which finds itself most of humanity, and without an internal Working real hard you can achieve that state.
Awakening is only possible for those who seek him, who want and are not afraid to do so. For those who want to break free from their domestic slavery and external. For those who want to work on themselves.
To start the search yourself, you must work all the emotional, physical, intellectual and energy. In the Medicine Wheel starts this path of self-discovery and understanding of ourselves and our social, family, emotional, universal, and so on., Learning new concepts and practices that facilitate the healing and integration of parts of our being to so we use all tools at our disposal from different disciplines. To understand our actions work with techniques of applied psychology and these actions can change what we do through ancestral and ancient techniques from different corners of the earth.
To view the contents of the first path enters the link:
To see all content:
Request information on: mareterra.comunidad @ or tel. 650631708

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Invitation Wording Ideas For 35th Bday


Next 25, 26 and 27 February.

Only if you feel you've had your time to work seriously. Small groups. 650631708 requests information.

http://chamancestral.blogs /

Hero On the way, is where the initiate learn to let go of his past as the serpent every year sheds its skin, revealing a brighter new vision that makes it easy to walk through life sinlessness.

This medicine gives us the ability to recall everything that we knew and that transit through different lives have been forgotten. Contact our own wounds and later with our ancestors opens a gap through which to start walking from the memory, with awareness, knowing what we do and why.
Content and other information:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hanging Drapery In Corner Where Windows

Belarus Solidarity. Do you aspire to police

Solidarity with Belarus anarchists

This month, the Belarusian government has undertaken a new wave of repression against anarchists and other social activists in Minsk and other cities. Dozens of comrades and friends: have been interrogated and harassed, so far we know 11 names of social activists who have been detenidxs, muchxs of ellxs retenidxs for weeks without charges and firm, even invented, 3 of them remain in prison.

Estxs activists need your help to raise international awareness about these illegal detentions, manis organize, write letters to the Belarusian embassy, \u200b\u200bgive money to lawyers, etc..

can find more information about this on indymedia Belarus (in English):

Arrests of Anarchists in Minsk (Tag):
https: / /

A call for International Solidarity with the social Activists Arrested in Minsk recently
(posted 09/12/2010):
https: / /

The current events (Constantly updated, last update 28/09/2010) :
https: / /


Compas de Barcelona have made the following leaflet:


Khimki is a Russian town by extending a beautiful native forest. This forest is being destroyed by the grace of a French company, in obvious collusion with the Russian government and the Church wants to build a highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg, filling hotels shopping centers, gas stations ... devastating and all the rich natural environment that r egion has .

view of this face, neighbors with Khimki Moscow anarchists and anti-fascists started a fight to save the forest. In this struggle, the Russian state, how could it be otherwise, was used to fund: dirty war (bombings and mutilation leading opponent of the town), football fans Nazis (to expel by force they had vegan luchadorxs occupied the forest to meet the machines they wanted to bury it in cement), workers toady (who came with the machines and even faced with demonstrators vegan), and, of course, private security and police to protect the works, the actions of the Nazis, and suppress dissent.

As part of this struggle, each used their weapons, and so, from anarchists and anti-fascist camp is attacked the city of Khimki, stones, flares and bursts of bullets post, fired from the within a demonstration of more than 500 luchadorxs that destroyed the facade of the local power.

Following this, on 3 August, two companions, an anarchist and a fascist, Alexey and Maxim are arrested and will be tried in October to face sentences of eight years in prison. It is at this time when you start an international campaign for his release.

Thus, in the context of this struggle, in neighboring Belarus, a little over a month after it is attacked with molotov cocktails Russian embassy in solidarity with Alexey and Maxim. And again, the State again responds with the arrest, several days later than 7 Belarusian anarchist comrades. This can not go well, and our best solidarity must also be of material assistance prisionerxs vegan, continued their struggle is ours. The daily struggle against any authority, against domination.

But these facts are not isolated. On 14 August in Chile, 14 comrades were detenidxs acusadxs of terrorist association and placement of a score of more than 150 bombs have been exploding in the Andean country against state and capitalist interests, from 2004 to date. Vegan comrades now 14, 10 are in jail awaiting a trial that will face penalties of between 2 and 20 years. And last but not least, since 24 September, 4 lxs 10 are on hunger strike at a prison transfer that seeks to undermine their strength and morale.

And they are not vegan únicxs that are in this situation. At home almost a quarantine Chilean Mapuche prisoners than two months on hunger strike for their release and that of their comrades and self-determination and demilitarization of the wall-mapu, terrirtorio south of that state. In addition Switzerland, 4 Swiss and Italian comrades are also encarceladxs hunger strike and attacks acusadxs "anarcho-green tint" and Greece, as well varixs presxs vegan anarchists and rebels of the social upheaval the country has lived since over 2 years, 4 companions are trial in Thessaloniki by the riots during the EU summit in 2003, face sentences ranging from 3.5 to 8.5 years in prison.

For all these struggles are a common struggle: against the rule and its plans for looting and pillaging of the human species and other species on the planet, submission to human beings and nature, for profit unxs pocxs privilegiadxs and to quench the thirst for profits and power of a sick society and all the comrades their patéticxs defenders, which muchxs of vegan, though poor and oppressed, and would like to be ricxs opresorxs.

face of these attacks by the authorities, we respond, not only anarchists and subversive movements, but from all individuals living their daily lives under the oppressive rule, more firmly, more fighting and more solidarity. For all the struggles are one. Freedom anarchist comrades, anti-fascist rebels in general Mapuche and imprisoned throughout the world.

living death to the State and Anarchy! Extracted

anarchist forum

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Compu Star Remote Sleep

? Military? Civil Guard?
years now

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ortho Total Insect Killer

While freedom is dying .. Enough of repression

freedom and dignity are dying. These are times of oppression, riots and more oppression by the welfare state, which is raging like the working class starts to mobilize against the various reforms that this state proposes to overcome the crisis of capital that we are going through, which is impaired only be the working class.

While the rest of Europe, for example Greece, the working class is taking to the streets to protest the current situation, look puzzled and in Spain there is a minimum of conscience in a nonconformity in sight because of the measures being taking the English government nor is there a sense of solidarity and mutual support with other people who themselves are taking part in the fight for their rights.

For the bourgeois media (TV, radio, print it ...), just broadcast images of young container on fire and its subsequent unrest, hastening to cross these simple actions of vandalism, while the reality is quite different.
Little or nothing is known about the origin of these massive protests in Greece. They began by the murder of a fellow anarchist, Aléxis Grigoropoulos 15 years of age, who was killed by police in his country.
Does that death is comparable to the damage produced in the Greek cities? No, life is priceless, and less if death occurs after that a police officer like to shoot without his weapon. We call this criminal act.

protest the situation in Italy is in a different matter, but that is in the same backdrop, the state's desire for wanting to change at will every aspect of our lives, we refer to the educational reforms carried out by the minister Gelmini, who is planning such a cut of 8,000 million euros and the firing of teachers all over the Italian state.
But apparently, "Spain is different" and that updates are not part of the state as real savagery. Apparently leaving thousands of unemployed teachers are seen as proposals that must be confronted for the good of all.
However, the occupation of a school in protest is seen as a criminal act.

could go on clarifying each disturbance is happening in Europe or the rest of the world to stop in Spain, whose situation is not so different from that of Italy Bologna, procurement methods almost slavery, repression protests, social control ...
And all this I wonder: Is this what we call democracy? Is this what we call the welfare state?.

This text is for informational purposes, only we propose that the reader performs an act of reflection and think again about whether or not the anarchists are mere thugs who want to have fun with the destruction of ATMs and street furniture or actually our struggle has a palpable reason and just society.

At stake are our future and future generations.

Grouse Anarchist Group.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

S Corp Ira Contribution

[Greece] Giannis Dimitrakis

the sentence was announced Giannis Dimitrakis fellow

today announced the final decision in the court of appeals for the partner Giannis Dimitrakis. Prayer after the merger is 12 years in prison (under age 35 received in the first trial). Whole was found guilty by the National bank robbery Solonos str, (7 years imprisonment), culpable mental support in the attempted murder of the guard of the bank (6 years imprisonment), guilty for his involvement in a gang (4 years imprisonment) guilty of using a firearm (two years in prison). It was not recognized with mitigating, but with the merger of the sentences, the last sentence is 12.5 GL

years. He has already served almost 5 years. The room was full of comrades, which erupted in chants and applause after the announcement of the decision. The police presence was discreetly without Ekam (Greek special forces) and masked as in previous trials. The speeches and the points made by defense lawyers were striking and not talk about a "victory" of course, but in a "proportionate sentence corresponding to the allegations." The companion was taken back to jail with her fist held high and in the coming days is expected to be taken to jail Domokos Koridallos prison where he stayed temporarily for trial.


Extracted from

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