Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Expropriation [Valencia]

Mercadona Expropriation of the working class neighborhood in Valencia

Torrefiel Fri, 24 / 12 / 2010 - 10:04 MERCADONA the neighborhood, humble and popular, Torrefiel in Valencia. This is the pamphlet that was distributed during the action.

not ask for money, just take what is ours ...
The current economic crisis is hitting hard on the weaker sections of society: young, insecure workers / as, immigrants, unemployed / as, low-income families, over 55, pensioners .. .

we who are suffering more acutely the problems of lack of opportunities, the reduction of social aid, widespread job insecurity, the rise of racism and lack of solidarity.

Another cause of this hard situation is the difficulty we have to gain access to assets, rights and services essential to daily life. The problem of our limited monthly income is added the obligation to pay ever higher prices to cover our basic needs. 78 Access to decent housing, public transport, education and quality training, culture to assume power today for many of us overspending difficult assume. Unfortunately, these goods and services have become a luxury and can only be made without concern for the more affluent sectors of the population, leaving out an important part of society. is why some young people, casual workers and students have decided to do an expropriation of MERCADONA.

This action aims to denounce the injustice of spending on food, as well as other basic rights, represents an excessive proportion of monthly income, with the economic difficulties that entails. Similarly, We would like to assert the importance that the needs basicair puedan asumibles and be affordable for all the social groups. Only in this way be able to ensure a decent life for all and all, with independence of its social conditions.

CAT economy is hitting hard at the weakest sectors of society: young workers anything precarious s, immigrants, unemployed from, families with few resources, over 55, pensioners ... we who are suffering with greater intensity the problems of lack of opportunities, reducing social welfare, widespread job insecurity, the increase of racism and lack of solidarity. Another cause of this hard situation is the difficulty we have for access to goods, rights and services essential to daily life. The problem of our limited monthly income is added to the obligation to pay price ever higher to cover our basic needs. Access to decent housing, public transportation, a quality education and training, culture or feeding today suppose to many of us spending too difficult to assume.

Unfortunately, these goods and services have become a luxury and can only be taken without concern for the more affluent sectors of the population, leaving aside a significant portion of society. It is for this reason that some young, precarious workers and students have decided to make a MERCADONA expropriation.

With this action we intend to report injustice which means that spending on food, like other basic rights, representing an excessive proportion of monthly income, with the economic difficulties that this entails. In the same way, we claim the importance of basic needs may be acceptable and affordable for all social groups. Only this way can make a decent life for all, regardless of their status.

basic needs are a right, not a privilege!




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