Friday, June 11, 2010

Please Get Me Pregnant Vids

national reconciliation " ? PRECONGRESO

a year ago because the vast Amazon mobilization and filled the front pages of various reports caused extension in the press addicted to morbidity and power. Wild, second-class citizens, the poor masses deceived by evil incited followers of Chavez, terrorists, any certificate was valid to cover up the killing. The official government report after it became clear, the fault the principal was "provocative", not the government, not companies and extractive-destructive desires, not the authorities who gave the order to attack, not the centuries of oppression, looting and death that these communities have suffered. The truth to the powerful is simple: the Indian was fooled because he is ignorant, if rebels is a criminal and the policeman who murdered a hero.

among Peruvians not kill us, say the patriots, as if it were less terrible killing internationally. Peru is no more than a chimera used for power to return the asymmetrical homogeneous, and this is not only cultural differences, but mainly social, take refuge in the nation is to deceive and pretend to build community, built without equal.

once cast off the idea that the struggle of the brothers Amazon is a product of deception or naivete of people as "primitive." No, this is the effort and creativity of thousands of people who chose to disobey an organized, because obeying only find death of cowards. They are now paying the price for this rebellion with slander, silence about the true number of dead, repression, etc.

us not be silent in front of it, a year of what happened, is still struggling.

not fall into the false identification of names with social movements, some apparently incomprehensible to people accustomed to a logic where the leader is the one who imposes tasks. Amazonian peoples have much to teach us and not going to do if you destroy your home, your lifestyle. Facing the ideological discourse of the state and capitalism, oppose the fight for a life where people are actually make the decisions, not a supposedly representative group of them, a society without selfish exploitation of resources, and without "law enforcement "to kill so that nothing changes.

live the struggle of the peoples of the Amazon!


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