Friday, October 30, 2009

What Is Wrong With My Baby If Has Swollen Lips


(Barcelona, \u200b\u200b21 and November 22, 2009) For seasonal flu die each year half a million people around the world. Influenza A has caused barely a few hundred dead, and yet governments around the world have not hesitated to declare pandemic and provides for mandatory vaccination of all mankind. What interests are behind all this?. Sister Teresa Forcades and Dr. Miquel Pros We provide evidence and arguments that make us reflect on this strange business in which we play a lot.
With the September 11 attacks on New York personal freedoms were largely cut and started a war that is still valid. Two planes crashed into the twin towers fell as a result three towers (WTC1, and WTC7 WTC2) speed of free fall. At the Pentagon, another plane crashed but ... Why not find the wreckage, or even of the engines?. What really happened on 11 / S? Aircraft flying over our cities daily high leaving a wake are not simple white water vapor condensing engines, components What are these trails?. And who is done if there are specific prohibitions to fly over the cities?.
The Moon is the only star that rotation does not rotate on itself, always shows the same face. Nor has an elliptical orbit but rotates in concentric circles around us And curiously it is much older than the Earth ... There are products such as chlorine dioxide that can heal diseases that are very difficult to cure with current drugs is not yet known ...
The AIDS virus has never been isolated and photographed, with the astronomical investments have been made for study ... clearly Electromagnetic pollution affects our health and mood, and nobody talks about it ...
Next 21 and 22 November 2009 will celebrate the Second Congress of Science and Spirit in Barcelona. The event will take place at the Hotel Princesa Sofia in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith capacity for 635 people. They discuss issues of vital importance to humanity, at the hands of people who, with his work, have shown their love, courage and devotion to the dangers that surround us in our daily lives.
We, among others, Alfred Webre, a former adviser to former President Jimmy Carter that we things will being used for years in secret, such as teleportation, remote viewing or reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft made of some governments in power.
Shab Jessica will also have the glass girl who comes to give an important "message to Mankind" and Montserrat Gascón, who has found the location of the Holy Grail ... Structured in two days, Saturday and more scientific Sunday more spiritual, we will have the opportunity to meet some great people from all over the world who will address topics that will help us better understand the present moment and power from knowledge, act accordingly.
More information on 93 362 37 00


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