Monday, April 25, 2011

Size Difference Between King And Super King


The following is the agenda for the month of May, from Holon Institute encourage you to participate in our activities.


  • Wednesdays allowances are made custom weight control. Call to arrange a visit. Naturopath : Marga Farró
  • Thursdays from 19h to 20.30 h, for an hour and a half go into the world of relaxation and guided meditations " Of Relaxation Meditation" Professor Rosa Maria Aránega.
  • Day 6 May 17h. 19h. Reiki 1st meeting. (Open House).
  • The Workshop of Dreams: Thursdays 12, 19 and 26 May 19h. 21h. Professor LA Soto.
  • Magnified Healing (1st phase): Dates: Friday, May 13 from 16h to 21h. Sunday 9am. to 14. and 16h. 21h. Professor Rosa Maria Aránega.
First Friday of every month: "Open Day" with free activities. Location: C / Prat de la Riba, 4 - Tarragona
This calendar is subject to change new activities that can add to existing ones.
For information: - 650 631 708